You may all at your leisure either read, or skip, whichever you prefer is cool.
For those of you who are still reading, you have shown that an interest in the individual and there thoughts is important to merit further reading. If I, as a person, was to write total crap (which admittedly might be the case), then it is highly unlikely that in future posts you will bother with the interest. Is this not in itself the first step towards some sort of sexual chemistry? Now i don't mean, that you will all instantly warm to me, or indeed want to bed me (offers in a pm please
If you aren't reading this, then i am sure that not only have you missed out on an extremely boring piece of writting, but, you have decided, that i did not offer an attraction to you in some way. It is only through then meeting and sussing each other through our body language and looks, will there be the possibility of the sexual chemisty. Not that it matters, cause if you arne't reading this, then you aren't here, and you are at an extreme disadavantage over those who have found this readable.
Yawn , yawn, maybe i shouldn't have finished that bottle after all.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses