oi! it is.
if you count all the dodgy one-liners i send out that i keep in me savebox for the cut-n-paste, well there's <<< counts pages x 40 pm's a page etc etc >>> well hundreds obviously!
and as for the mince, you're just trying to push me into a rant aren't you. well i don't rant anymore. been there done that! cheeky fecker . . . .
<<< goes right off on one . . . >>>
n ;-)
In all the time I've been on this site, the most sexually explicit pm I've ever had was.......................................................................................................................................................
Nice Arse
I'm definetely doing something wrong here :doh:
don't be daft ladies. them dragons'll just eat yer! <<< realises what he just said . . . :doh: >>>
just to lend you a hand roger, ya know!
n ;-)
Yep - sounded mature to me!
At least they seemed to value your opinion by ASKING if you FANCIED a shag!!!!!!
<<< strokes his chin in thoughtful mode . . . >>>
somewhere in my pm box there is one of my erotic porno pm's. i could change the names to protect the not-so-innocent, stick XXXXXX for you to fill in the gaps with the various anatomical detail you're most comfortable with, which would also make it applicable to both sexes, and post it here. hey presto, porno pm template!
what d'ya reck?
naw bugger off and write your own!
n ;-)
Anyway folks
It seems we are in danger of hijacking Easy's thread.
To get back to the point - Easy was complaining that he wasn't getting any
getting any sexually explicit PMs, that is!