A few years ago I would have never imagined joining a sex related internet community and I used to think online sex chats were only for perverts. Now I don’t know what’s gotten into me but I’m probably heading towards a mini form of mid-life-crisis as I haven’t hit the big 40 yet. Anyway recently someone’s wife walked out just weeks before her big 40 after 13 years of marriage.
Although it was a great shock, I found myself sympathizing with her to some extent with what being married even longer than her. Life sucks and in particular the sex life. I’ve heard a zillion times from married people that their sex life is non existent. It seems weird that people get married only to end up sexually miserable and frustrated having much lesser sex and lousy, boring one at that!
Not surprising there are so many divorces and couple fall out of love because they are no longer sexually attracted to each other to want to enjoy sex. I see movies like ‘American Beauty’ and say, ‘Shit, that’s so true reflection about married life’. I sometimes feel maybe people marry the wrong person in terms of sexual compatibility. Perhaps a man with high sex drive should never marry a woman with much lower sex drive no matter how much he thinks he’s in love because the relationship will only end in tears and frustrations.
For the brave couple, I guess swinging can work to their great benefit, provided they’re able to distance themselves from the emotional engagement of fucking someone other than their partner. For the not so brave, what are the other options? Personally, I think I’d like a brand new man (fitting all your desired attributes) every two years, being newly in love, doing the romance thing, the exciting sex and after the honeymoon period starts to wear off, you get to move on to the next man (e.g. next woman for a man). If only life was that easy and you could move from one man to another as they pass on a conveyor belt.
Thus I think I’ve developed a strange perversion on learning about what other people do to spice up their sex life. I guess I could be a ‘watcher’ of a dogging session, LOL to myself. I’d sure as hell love to go to swinging party just to watch the adult action; even then I’d probably complain the fuck sessions aren’t as visually good as the studio porno ones. I also enjoy listening to other guys stories of their great ‘sexcapades’, yet these guys are never the ones I fancy enough to want to have sex with them. If I did, I wouldn’t be talking to them about sex in the first place. I'm enjoying reading up the erotic stories from this site but sometimes I think there tends to be an exaggeration about cum shallowing. I mean do women really lick everything up? Even pornstars do it half heartedly.
THAT'S a first post.... i bet the Mods are quaking!
Absolutley top notch first post.......
some misconceptions, but i am sure others wil point them out.... i am just in awe at the length... no pun intended!
I have stopped saying this to the daily new joiners but in your case I will say welcome.
An interesting first post to say the least as you touch issues that I reckon effect many people.
Hope you find what you are looking for.
Great post!! Good luck Lusty.
Thanks for a very interesting and thought provoking post, lusty_modesty.
I find myself drawn to your use of the words 'love' and 'sex', you seem to use the two almost interchangably at times, which makes me think the swinging lifestyle might not be right for you. If participating in swinging was to help rather than hinder your marriage, you would both have to be very confident that the swinging was there to fulfill your need for sex, and your marriage was there to fulfill your need for love. Before comitting to anything here, I think you should think long and hard about what it is that you are looking for, casual, meaningless (but very good!) sex or 'Love' with a capital "L".
I'm not about to offer much advice about Love, apart from pointing out the obvious fact that this probably isn't the best place in the world to be looking for it, but as for sex - you're certainly in the right place for that - the whole cornucopia from chaste story-reading right through to the dirtiest perversions are on offer here, to those with the patience to get to know people. If you choose to stick around on the forums and you decide that you are here only for open-minded banter and not for what we euphemistically call 'play', that will be fine with us too. Rule number 2 here (right behind 'no means no') is 'respect people's limits' - and if your limit is the occasional forum post and no more, then so be it.
Welcome aboard!
Just proves the point I was making on the thread 'when is a newbie not a newbie'
'New to site not life.'
Welcome and have fun
Top first post, an well, I know exactly where you are coming from, guess it is al a case, of be patient, and wait and see ...
You have that 'itch' that you feel needs scratching .. but you are asking us to scratch it when you should be asking your partner..
Is swinging for you? .... it sounds to me that you are an intelligent person - your post proves that - but you must now ask yourself: can you have unemotional sex with relative strangers?
Answer that question and see where your road lies. We'll embrace anyone who knows what they want but do not ask us to travel on a journey blindly where only you know where it leads. We have feelings too.
Well anyone who has read my earlier posts will know that Im somewhat in-experienced at all this, but none the less I'm gonna venture forth.
I feel that many ppl have made valid points during this post but the most valid is that you should be honest with each other. At which point I draw you to the next dilema. WHEN shoudl you be honest??
I myself have never actually swung (everybody please yawn and look away on cue) but am extremely interested by the whole affair etc. Wht troubles me is that there is a girl im getting to know well and want to date, I think she wants the same, the problem is neither of us have discussed sex. Should i say now that im interested in swinging?? or should i wait until more time and effort has been invested in the realtionship, at which point, i may already have a fair idea that she wont be interested, what shoudl i do then?? dump her??
The whole area of broaching the swinging subject to a partener (prospective or current) seems to be a mine feild. Is it really fair to be harsh on someone who may have got it wrong?? and how the hell did all you swinging couples ever get round this???
Ever curious
I think that if you don't at least float the possibility of playing with others at an early stage of a relationship there is a tendency to "bottle out" perhaps from fear of being thought a perv by your partner, or even worse causing them distress and upset. I suppose though that we are all different people so this is going to be a very individual thing. I wanted to try this with my ex but could never really bring myself to talk openly about what I wanted sexually with her, perhaps because of my relative immaturity when we first got together. I can say that every day that I didn't talk about my feelings, the less likely it was that I ever would, and ultimately 10 years down the line had never even really broached the subject apart from a half hearted suggestion we go on hols to Hedo.
Having been through similar experiences to the OP myself (Mr BFC here) I think that people tend not to give their sex life the attention it perhaps deserves. As a guy it seemed somehow natural to drift into erm "self entertainment" and it being the internet age, there are so many sources of stimulation. The trickier question is what began the decline was it a genuine dissatisfaction with my then sex life or was it the allure of something new and exciting which grabbed my attention and increasingly deflected my attention away from a partner who loved and respected me? Was the subsequent tail off in physicality between us a loss of interest on her part or a real attempt to give me what she perceived I wanted (i.e. less "activity"). I can honestly say I have agonised about this question and thinking of this has been quite painful as I began a new relationship which provoked memories of happier times with my ex. As someone who desperately wanted to avoid the mistakes of the past, I have dwelled upon this at considerable length and think I have identified a solution to prevent the same thing happening again.
From my own experience I think relationships reach a tipping point where there is almost no going back, I cannot quite identify when that happened with my ex, but I am sure others will recognise a growing feeling of something not being right when their partner wants to engage in some passionate activity ranging from kissing to sex. I made the decision that ultimately an active sex life was too important to me (no matter how selfish that was) for me to continue a relationship without one. Having identified that and going through a period of counselling to see if my relationship with my ex could revert back to a more "normal" track, I concluded that there was no way that I could feel the same way about my ex even though I loved her a great deal. We did however (despite the upset I caused her) part as friends and remain good friends to this day.
Now Mrs BFC and I only ever play together, I do not watch porn or engage in "DIY" in chat or any other context without her being present, fundamentally I try to anchor sex as being something which always takes place with my partner and not an end in itself. The fact that we are both open and adventurous people also gives us a common "hobby" which I think help to bind us more closely together. Will this be a more successful relationship than my last (10 years) is difficult to tell, but I can guarantee that it won't be for want of trying on my part.
For what its worth we have found that our limited experience of playing with others has been a great experience for both of us, bringing us closer together somehow and giving us lots to talk about while playing together for some time before and after meetings. I have been wondering whether to post my thoughts for a little while, but I have finally been prompted by a chat (in another place) with a married guy looking for cpls so he could effectively cheat on his wife. If someone had been able to warn me of the dangers of my own behaviour early into the decline of my sex life with my ex perhaps my life would be very different now. I don't want to moralise about this because others seem to have done that adequately ;) As I said to him though how can anyone who isn't even honest with the person they profess to love (i.e. his wife) be trusted close to the most important thing in my life (Mrs BFC).
This is a great thread! Relationships are so complex. Following the break-up of my 17-year marriage, i was celibate for about 4 months. Then when I had sex again - with an old flame - it was mind-blowing. I'd recommend a period of abstinence to anyone for the heightened pleasure it can bring when sexual activity is resumed. On the other theme of playing outside marriage, I have had very different experiences of men who are looking for this. To begin with, I was very anti anyone who felt it was acceptable. However, I quickly realised that it wasn't as simple as that. I have met and had sex with men who continue to remain married - usually because of the kids. But the ones I have had most respect for are those who don't slag off their wives/partners (this being based on knowing that my ex used to do this). In fact, the fellah I team up with to go to Chameleons is married and loves his wife - he has been married for a long time and it's not so much their relationship is flagging, but him wanting some kinky sex. Which I'm more than happy to go along with, because that is what I want too. I'm happier now than I've ever been in the marriage I had - freedom to do what I want and a relationship that is good since there are no demands, but plenty of affection and positive regard. I consider myself to be single and therefore look forward to fun in all kinds of ways! I could only say this stuff on here - so pleased there is this outlet.