hello guys" today me and the lads at work got on the subject of sex and what things we would,nt do sexually,
we were in kinks at some of the answers, so i thought it might be fun to ask the peeps in the forum....what would,nt you do sexually????
Quote by da69ve
How about you tell us what you wouldn't do first??
Quote by reddog
How about you tell us what you wouldn't do first??
Quote by Lil_Bunny
How about you tell us what you wouldn't do first??
Quote by freckledbird
At times the goal posts move I guess, depends on the scenario and who I'm with
Quote by reddog
the ex wife once peed on me"...she cocked her leg over me in bed and pissed down my back while she was asleep
she went on to explain she was having a dream where she was running down a hill
bursting for the toilet,
she could see the toilet in the distance but the more she ran the further the toilet seemed away,
anyway to cut this story short' she got there just in time but guess who the
fxxxing shithouse was????????