why not ?
ask her if she was turned on in the jacuzzi and bring the subject up that way ?
bet you end up having a top quality bonk !!!
i`m thinking you best keep those thoughts to yourself.
your wifes mates pussy is out of bounds, unless you want a thick ear.
sierra x x
Hell you could slip it into conversation over your crunchy nut cornflakes....
Does your wife know you are on this site?? lol
the words shit hitting fan spring to mind...
Keep them as thoughts....
bearing in mind the qoute from your old post that HLB put in it sounds like she might have a fairly good idea you are thinking about other women's front bottoms - the fact that it is a friends is a whole other ball game..
Here's a tip. If you want to play away, keep well, well, away from home! Cos it aint worth it mate.
Why don't you print out the above picture and leave it around the house next to pictures of your mate, see if she gets the hint?
Aside from the monkey pics ^^^^ that come with every pussy joke, if your wife's not a swinger I would suggest you find out what her thoughts are by jokingly bringing up the subject of the naked jacuzzi and ask if she'd like to do it again. If she's not offended you're off the mark. If she's a swinger you're half way there, otherwise it's a delicate situation depending on her sexual preferences and desires.