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SH Big Brother - Week 3 - ALL UP 4 eviction

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849 replies
3 watchers
Ladies and Gentlemen
A committee of Forum and Chat Room users have convened and built a Big Brother House in a secret location in the heart of England. In this house we have kidnapped thirteen elected members chosen by a Secret Committee, in the said secret location in the heart of England.
For the purpose of this forum, Jiggle, will hereby be known as LIttle Brother, the rest of the committee will remain secret.
Thoughout the course of the next 10 weeks, tasks will be set by the secret committee and judged on their merits.
The Rules
1. All members of the house are required to pm Little Brother with their nomination for eviction by the wednesday night. and the two top nomiinated members of the house will be placed for public eviction on Thursday night and evictied Friday night.
2. Any member of the house who has not pm'ed their nomination for eviction to Little Brother by Wednesday 9pm will automatically be up for eviction themselves.
3. The secret committtee will not be open to bribery, corruption or sexual favours (well maybe Little Brother will be)
4. The committee may introduce new members to the house should they wish to do so.
5. Should there be a tie, then the members will be put up for public vote.
6. A prize will be given to the last remaining member left in the house.
7. The rules of the Swinging Heaven Big Brother House can be changed at any time by The Secret Committee.
8. A computer will be supplied for the purposes of replying to this thread only.
9. All mobile phones, television, music, ipods and sat navs are not allowed to come with you into the Big Brother House
Ideas for forfeits and tasks would be welcome, please pm Little Brother with your ideas.
Contestances, please use this thread as your diary room to convey your feelsing and thoughts.
:arrow: VIX
:arrow: RHG
:arrow: MARCUSO
:arrow: LIBRA+LOVE
:arrow: SARG BILKO
:arrow: STEVEG_NW
:arrow: EAGER SLUT
:evil: HARD
The house contains :
A Large Jacuzzi
A Camper Van
A Torture Dungeon
Mingers Corner
A Lounge
A Dark Room
A Kitchen
1 Bedroom with King Size Water Bed - Which will be awarded to the winner of that weeks task, to use as they so desire ;)
1 Mixed Dormitory
1 Open Shower Room
Animals included in the house are:
Gold Fish
2 Rabbitts (that do not take batteries)
A Beever
A Cock
Housemates, Little Brother willl get back to you shortly.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
does a marco from bb hand clap
i love it i love it lol
hello little brother. i fink you fucked up squire :cry: :cry: you do realise that RHG is going away on holiday soon
dont go red come in the house with me then we wont have to travel on the bloody train just to pop round for a cuppa tea lol
you could replace cath with DAAAAAAAAAAAAVE !! :lol:
oh and little brother can we have a violet wand in the dungeon??
ill let you get to me on that wink
Little Brother,
Soz a bit confused............ who picked the contestants and who gets to position the camera's ?........................ OOOOOOppppppppppppppsssss and where is Davina ?
Quote by Jiggle
Contestances, please use this thread as your diary room to convey your feelsing and thoughts.

I love the way you slipped Hard in there Jiggle. Anyone who knows him will know he is the PERFECT contestance. lol
I think you may have a long wait for some to reply though mate....... rolleyes
Quote by blonde
Little Brother,
Soz a bit confused............ who picked the contestants and who gets to position the camera's ?........................ OOOOOOppppppppppppppsssss and where is Davina ?

Hi ya,
Davina is been kept safe wink :wink:
the members were carefully pick from a secret panel. and the cams are everywhere
hello little brother.
will i be called for my medication. once in the morning and once at night please
100mcgs of ethinyl oestradiol and 100mg of androcur. i like my tits and lovely soft skin and youthfull apearance and calm manner and id like to keep it that way.
also would it be possible to bring mia in with me too as she will need feeding every two weeks or will you take care of mia while im stuck in here with a bunch of fooking lunatics lol do you think its wise having eager slut try and manage with just a camper van? so could we at some point have some kerb stones so at least we could try and give the illusion that hes parked by the kerb side and give him some stress relief ?
thanks little brother
Rachel - Lane - your comments have been noted and passed to the secret committee
Little Brother will get back to you!
U r a contestant......... u cant ask for anything................ u have to be grateful for whatever u r given................ so
Rachel Lane
Little Brother and the Secret Committee have convened to consider your requests, and have decided the following:-
Your Medication Will be Delivered and administered as precsribed.
Mia Has been taken care of and is in safe hands !
All other requests have currently been denied - However they may be re-nogotiated in the future!
Quote by blonde
U r a contestant......... u cant ask for anything................ u have to be grateful for whatever u r given................ so

b bu bu bu but! rolleyes oh i'll go and feed the goldfish and gold fish have for lunch one cap of vodka or is it two ?? :twisted: :twisted:
At which point did you understand that lthe commitee had supplied any alcohol to the house
This will only be supplied at certyain times as notified.......
<<<goes in the garden to see if i can get over that big wall with razor wire lashed to the top while mumbling under my breath ...bastards bastards no vodka ffs fooking nezbits twonks, poo, bum, crap, pants :cry:
Quote by rachel-lane
<<<goes in the garden to see if i can get over that big wall with razor wire lashed to the top while mumbling under my breath ...bastards bastards no vodka ffs fooking nezbits twonks, poo, bum, crap, pants :cry:

Don't tell little brother aka Jiggle.............. but I will meet u round the back and chuck a plastic bottle full of vodka over the wall.................... but sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell Jiggle !
Blonde you have now been arrested by the security guards and are no longer allowed within 150 metres of the house
Quote by Jiggle
Blonde you have now been arrested by the security guards and are no longer allowed within 150 metres of the house

Call my Solicitor !!!!!!!!
Quote by blonde
Blonde you have now been arrested by the security guards and are no longer allowed within 150 metres of the house

Call my Solicitor !!!!!!!!
fuck the solicitor get the paint ballers in free blondie and bring me vodka
I can't...... I am handcuffed !!!!
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to type with your hands behind your back ?
oooh little brother sorry im asking again b bu bu bub BUT! can the nasty security men escort blondie to the dungeon ??? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: and is that violet wand here yet ?? :P
Quote by rachel-lane
oooh little brother sorry im asking again b bu bu bub BUT! can the nasty security men escort blondie to the dungeon ??? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: and is that violet wand here yet ?? :P

Babe.... whats a violet wand ????
I am sure it'll be OK.......... coz its purple and I like purple......... there are some nice purple cars around !
Am I still on planet earth ???
Violet Wands have been around for some time. I have seen some old ones at yard sales that go back to the 1930's and they are still currently produced. They have been used as quack medical machines, skin and muscle toners/ relaxers, etc. the rolls royce of sex aids (We just like them because of the way they light up a sub's eyes! ) They are devices that plug into the wall and convert the household electricity into high-frequency, high voltage. This voltage may be upwards of 30,000 Volts! The electricity is transfered to the willing (or not so willing ) subject in the form of myriads of small sparks.
Ordinary household electricity is a low frequency alternating current (120 Volts, 60 Hz in the USA) and is extremely hazardous to come in contact with! The Violet Wand "transforms" the household current by means of what is called a Tesla coil. At the "business" end of the wand is a detachable glass tube filled with Argon gas. When Argon is is excited by a high voltage, it glows with a purple color, hence the name Violet Wand. I have heard of other gasses being used and glowing with different colors. These tubes come in different sizes and shapes... more about attachments later. It also makes a nice evil buzzzzzzzz.
The reason the electricity from the Violet Wand is relatively safe is due to two major items.
Because the electricity is going through the glass attachment there is not a direct connection from the sub to your wall outlet. This is a good thing!! We want the eyes to be wide... not popped out of their sockets!
Because the high voltage produced by the wand is at a high frequency, a phenomenon occurs that is called the "skin effect". Without going into the details, basicaly what happens is that as the frequency of an AC voltage increases, the depth to which that the electricity penetrates a conductor (whether copper wire or human) diminishes. This helps to keep the electricity from the Violet Wand away from internal organs, etc. where electricity just doesn't belong.
Violet Wand attachments come in various shapes and sizes. I have seen glass attachments in the shape of a mushroom (probably the most common attachment), a comb (or rake) shape, a "Y" shape, etc. There is also a metal tube attachment. (see note under SAFETY Considerations).
Using the Wand (or how not to!)
Common sense prevails here. Remember too much of anything can be a bad thing! The sparks from a Violet Wand can be applied most anywhere on the body although one should make a point of avoiding the head and eyes. Experimentation is in order! Remember though, the glass tubes are made out of fairly thin glass... do NOT insert them into any body cavities!!! Should you need to clean your attachments just wipe them off with a damp rag, the glass is not dishwater safe (I broke a mushroom just under hot tap water!)
Avoid too much exposure in one spot at any time. The Wand produces sparks that irritate the skin and the glowing tubes also produce Ultraviolet light. You can produce a localized sunburn!! I remember watching someone play with a Violet Wand once and the next day the women he used it on had redness and blistering on their chests that lasted for least a week.
The Violet Wand produces real sparks! Some clothing is very flamable! Alcohol vapors (you shouldn't be drinking and playing!) could ignite. (btw some clothing may have metalic threads... zap one spot and it goes all over! Don't leave it turned on and laying down unattended.
Some Doms use the mushroom attachment and hold the Wand between their legs and with one hand grasping the mushroom attachment. They then trace patterns on their sub with the fingers of their other hand..quite erotic!!
As I have already stated don't insert the glass tube into body cavities. Many are interested in the metal tube attachment because of the much more intense "jolt" as well as it is not an attachment that will break. This attachment must be used with great care!! In general I have to recommend against it's use in play. In every Violet Wand I have examined, I have found that all exposed metal parts (and this includes the metal tube) have a direct connection to the AC line, and hence, are a shock hazard! If you are insistant on using the metal tube attachment, purchase what is called an "Isolation Transformer", available from most Geek supply stores
bluddy hell............. how quickly can u type ?
Quote by blonde
bluddy hell............. how quickly can u type ?

have fast fingers. i can even peel an orange in my pocket wink
oh little brother do we have a blender in the house and fresh fruit delivered daily or do we have to do that shopping fingy
i have to have my smoothies in the morning
hello little brother.
where on earth are the other house mates? ive looked all over, all the beds are made, no one in mingers corner, and havent seen one ali g outfit and as for judys 300 suitcases, well, there nowhere to be seen. ill pop off to bed for a few hours and see whos arrived when i wake up.
good night/morning little brother
A very nice person had a "purple wand" on the 20th century Antiques Roadshow.
To me they looked very scary.
I am so happy i am not in the house. The thought of you wandering round the house with a purple wand in hand is VERY scary
Im gonna have fun watching the housemates
gets her supply of booze, nibbles, and fags and sits n waits
I think Little Brother should have one to two good or / nasty things for the house mate to do as tasks.
And forfits should be things like no make up for a week for a fail, or lots of wine and drink if they get the task right
vicky your not sposed to have the booze isnt that for the contestants when they have been good.
I wonder where little brother is........
i wonder if liitle brother is watching me
i bet he isnt -----
flashes bum to the housemates and little brother.....
So who is the bookies favorite to win
Quote by Jiggle
Thoughout the course of the next 10 weeks, tasks will be set by the secret committee and judged on their merits.

I am going to take a 10 week sabatical and study "The Analitic & Algebraic Topology of local Euclidian Metrization of Infinitely Differentiable Riemannian Manifold"
It may sound bad, but not as bad as watching another form of BB.