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SH on Tour - was "ever stumbled on another forum?"

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Quote by bluexxx
That stuff was nasty, waaaaaaaaaay inaccurate and just there to cause upset.

Bugger Blast, I never thought of that.
Damn you Blue for putting up good arguments :lol2: smackbottom
Although I will still maintain that it would've had more impact if everything had all stayed in the one or two threads where that JustaGirl was spewing her poison ........ mainly so I can limp out this thread with some dignity in tact :lol2:
My account there has been disabled...
awww.. I've been banned as well.. adn I didn't even do half as much as everyone else :cry:
Seeing as most of the posts have been removed I guess that they will delete any newcomers yesterday and all the posts between certain times.
I've been deactivated too, I hope Davej hasn't because he wanted to stay.
I did think about the trolling before I took part, so I don't actually feel guilty. We were having a good friendly giggle, and noone went in there with any nasty mentality, we would have allowed any one of the members to join in, and noone showed any malice. (from what I read, which I admit wasn't all)
And to a point, I agree with Blue, they set the standard when they advertise what is acceptable behaviour, and we nowhere near reached the animosity that JustaGirl was allowed to promote.
I don't have a problem with her having an opposing view, but the abuse she dished out was unnecessary, and if she was making it all up for troll purposes, then how are we to know it's not a site that allows trolling and sock-puppets?
As hilarious as I have found all this, and last night was creased up at some stuff ................. I have to admit to feeling extremely sorry for the admin on the site sad

Sorry Missy - I am with bluexxx on this one. Yes we had a bit of fun but we didn't post anything virtriolic or troll like. A couple of their members seemed to enjoy it lol , and if anybody should've been banned and had posts removed it was Just A Girl (and those posts were up for a good week). Technically we didn't break any (well not many) of their AUP! "By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated (but they have a sex section dunno ), hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws."
Anyway - for those of you who came late to the party - all our threads have been removed - but I did manage to save this one for prosperity. I am sorry it doesn't have the posters names - but I think we can tell by the posting style who they belonged to biggrin
original post:
Does anyone know how to stop a neighbors small schnauzer from barking
,,,aside from shootin the damm thing ? ? any natural sprays anti dog barker
salutions. they leave for weeks and this stoopid dog yaps all night long
Down with small dogs and fucked up pet owners..
After various well intentioned answers from forum members - the SH invasion
team entered the fray:
Can you get hold of any helium and get the dog to breath it in, whilst it
doesn't stop the dog from barking it at least makes it bark in a very high
pitch ......a change is as good as a rest?
i dont understand this obssesion with owning dogs anyway!
EVERYONE knows goldfish are the way to go!!!!!!
I would agree with you Mr. WUBB, the goldfish is a much quieter alternative
to owning a dog, but lack the 'lap appeal' ..
I have also found them very difficult to train and as yet havn't found a
single species that will sit and roll on command.
Buy a bigger dog than theirs.
It won't stop the other dog from barking, but at least you will have the
satisfaction of knowing that yours is louder
dear sir, at risk of sounding rude - you are WRONG!
i have a good friend who claims it is quite EASY to train a goldfish to roll
on command.
perhaps mr J you are settleing for less than the best money can buy?
should you need any advice on goldfish training please feel free to contact
me care of my SH towers PO box address.
alternatively invest in a modest sized dog complete with a megaphone.
admittedly it can be rather tiring to have to run out and hold the megaphone
to the dogs mouth every time it barks, but the saving in dog food will make
it worthwhile.
It's a size thing isn't it??? Go on admit it!!!!!!!
Or, a very small dog with a microphone and loudspeakers !!!!
Absolute rubbish Mr WUBB, the only way to get a goldfish to roll when you
want it to is to put it in the tumble dryer and that just isn't
right.........anyway I don't wish to become embroilled in a disagreement
about fish when the original post was concerened with dogs.
So back to the dog.........I've had some partial success with a neighbours
dog in the past by covering it's smiffies in peanut butter, the dog becomes
engrossed in licking it off and stops barking. My wife suggested that I try
doing this to stop me moaning, however when I did, the damn dog bit me.
no i'm sorry mr davej sir, but i'd have to agree with busty.
course you can't expect to train yer run of the mill domestic goldfish to do
much more than swim through a little plastic castle, but in the wild, yer
pedigree goldfish is a cunning, ruthless predator. i believe the United
States Navy have a squad of goldfish specially trained in underwater
demolition, a bit like dolphins, except dolphins are bigger, oh and mammals,
obviously, but it's the same principle.
there's no reason why a pedigree goldfish can't be trained to come on
command, beg, bubble at strangers menacingly, etc etc
neil x x x
Oh well... Mark, Moderator and me have all been banned too :cry:
Hey guess what
I've joined a very select lot of SH's
I'm banned as well lol
fun while it lasted :shock:
Quote by cu3b4ll
Oh well... Mark, Moderator and me have all been banned too :cry:

now thats shocks me that mark got banned..debs goes back to have a look!
Did he come under his name mark dunno
damn... banned.... and i thought my posts were almost sane..... biggrin :D :D
i reckon we should start a campaign..... "free the SH 30!!!"
i feel branded!!!! lol
sean xxxxxxx
We're being victimised!!!
shocking, what happened to freedom of speech?
I think it's time to move on now. Speaking of which.... anyone got some suggestions for the next 'hit'? :giggle:
I saw a site couple days ago for people who are into beastiality ( ewwww grossed me out)
we could try and convert them to go dogging instead of doing disgusting things with animals
Quote by cu3b4ll
I think it's time to move on now. Speaking of which.... anyone got some suggestions for the next 'hit'? :giggle:

In view of Missy's wise words methinks we should just lie low until another "Just A Girl" gives us reason to expose bad site moderation. But then that's just my thoughts. cool
lol I just nearly wet myself at that post you copied into here Rainbows. had a coughing fit and had to cross my legs FFS :shock: You lot are barking!
missy! you are, as ever, aside from when you're being completely barking mad obviously, the voice of reason! kiss
i thought we we're very funny in the main, but just possibly erred ever so slightly on the "completely spamming the site and trolling it to death" side of things! :lol2: maybe we can just arise en masse in a contentious thread, and spread some good ole enlightened SH values in future. as ever, i'm guided by the principle that it's always best to reply to an existing thread, rather than start a completely random and pointless thread of my very own.
i did find the all new tranny sections a valuable addition to though. rotflmao i had some more exposure of my well whipped backside stateside, which can only be a good thing, and even though gemgems's post was deleted, the quote with my smacked arse hanging out for all to see will remain forever. biggrin
having said all that, i'm still fucked off to see that my newly won post count has dwindled steadily throughout the day, and i now look like a complete noob, with a zero postcount, and yet still banned. this slur on my good name will not be allowed to go unchallenged! mad
neil x x x :P
I think it might be of me why peeps are banned redface surprisedops: :oops:
i wasent discreet enouth sorry
Quote by Debbiewebs
I think it might be of me why peeps are banned redface surprisedops: :oops:
i wasent discreet enouth sorry

Oh Debs - you silly thing. Didn't have anything to with you!!! kiss
FFS!! I was banned too, and I hardly posted anything! confused :? mad :x :x :x :x
I for one enjoyed my little weekend break and wouldn't mind sloping off for some more R&R at some point in the not too distant future. We could call it The SH Getaway lol
Quote by Sgt Bilko
FFS!! I was banned too, and I hardly posted anything! confused :? mad :x :x :x :x

its ok we all can stand togather. :therethere: ........... i have been lucky really............. thought i might of been banned from this site ages ago!................ so in one way!............ I new it might happen on enouther! biggrin
OOOOO bow when you kiss me like that i go all guey wink
Quote by neilinleeds
missy! you are, as ever, aside from when you're being completely barking mad obviously, the voice of reason! kiss
i thought we we're very funny in the main, but just possibly erred ever so slightly on the "completely spamming the site and trolling it to death" side of things! :lol2: maybe we can just arise en masse in a contentious thread, and spread some good ole enlightened SH values in future. as ever, i'm guided by the principle that it's always best to reply to an existing thread, rather than start a completely random and pointless thread of my very own.
i did find the all new tranny sections a valuable addition to though. rotflmao i had some more exposure of my well whipped backside stateside, which can only be a good thing, and even though gemgems's post was deleted, the quote with my smacked arse hanging out for all to see will remain forever. biggrin
having said all that, i'm still fucked off to see that my newly won post count has dwindled steadily throughout the day, and i now look like a complete noob, with a zero postcount, and yet still banned. this slur on my good name will not be allowed to go unchallenged! mad
neil x x x :P

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yay! That post of your spanked ass is now on that forum for eternity! :D
I now feel a new mission to see how many forums we can get that pic of Neil's spanked ass onto without it being deleted! :rascal:
It was soooooo funny while it lasted! :D I was rolling laughing. I wish we could have kept some of the threads as they were absolute SH classics, a bit like this thread I feel!
Welldone for awaking the troll within me Rainbows! :kiss:
Oh and Neil, be afraid........ very afraid! :twisted: :rascal: :lol2:
GemGem. x ;)
Sometimes these things turn nasty, involving dos attacks on sites that take them down for a few days. I've seen that happen between sites in the US. So maybe the mods' caution is warranted.
It was fun, though.
I'm still tempted to look for other 'serious' sites to hijack (in a harmless way) in the future.
Quote by Tool
I'm still tempted to look for other 'serious' sites to hijack (in a harmless way) in the future.

What he said.
I see no reason why we couldn't/shouldn't just go introduce ourselves on the odd occassion. After all, most countries in the World Wide Web have an english speaking contingency, but they all envy the British sense of humour.
i cant even look to see whats been moved! its says "sorry the admin has banned your ip address!"
Quote by well_busty_babe
i cant even look to see whats been moved! its says "sorry the admin has banned your ip address!"

so it was you!!...i no you tried to seduce the admin didn't you smackbottom lol
Quote by well_busty_babe
i cant even look to see whats been moved! its says "sorry the admin has banned your ip address!"

Join the most exclusive club then lol :lol: My IP address has been banned too - not before RWarrior had a thing to say about Just A Girl not being banned though :twisted:
damn.... banned from even reading the site... that was harsh..... smile :) :) :)
where is all the tranatlantic love??? biggrin :D :D
sean xxxxxxxxx
I just tried with a new IP address and got told it had been banned :shock:
It looks like thye've banned all off shore traffic.
Quote by Rainbows
i cant even look to see whats been moved! its says "sorry the admin has banned your ip address!"

Join the most exclusive club then lol :lol: My IP address has been banned too - not before RWarrior had a thing to say about Just A Girl not being banned though :twisted:
woo hoo! :bounce: who needs broadband then eh? dynamic IP addys it is! you want me to keep an eye on the site for you lot?
/runs off to create shedloads of new email addys . . . .

OMFG! :shock: they've banned my entire bloody domain i reckon. a bit sweeping that eh? rolleyes damn we must really have pissed 'em off! redface

n x x x ;)