I'll see what I can muster - Dambuster
Is there anybody there ???
There's only me n thee t&t
(There'll only be thee when I get me boots on)
dambuster,t&t and geomanc makes three
Never a bigger luster - dambuster.
Hi Guys. Mind if I join in
once had a stroke from a surrey bloke!
this ain't no joke surreybloke
get your duster - dambuster
fancy a spank - geomanc
hope i've nothing to sulk about mate. only having a joke
Got any coke - SurreyBloke
ooh a red bum, sounds yum yum
don't ever trust her, dambuster
ever been covered in jello, mellow
it'd be a good prank - geomanc
You need a fellow? - mellow
that all you can muster - dambuster (stop answering, i'm running out....)
that would be like othello, a tragedy mellow
theres no question about that dambuster
Definately not lack lustre - Dambuster
I enjoyed the crack too x
How Sweet, your honey - Li'l_Bunny
Dont get in a fluster dambuster
stop being so coy - lazeeboy