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SH Rules on posting photographs....

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Do you think the rules on the SH photographs are too strict?????

Quote by Peanut
And perhaps you should get off your pious high horse and recognise that fact. What you call "whingeing" (sic) others call discussing something they see as a problem.

Ah, that's because I don't call my horse high or pious.
I think you'll find I'm just contributing to the discussion. My view is that those complaining are not taking into account the reality that we have volunteer Mods here who do a phenomenal amount of unseen work on our behalf. If they don't realise that then 'bless 'em' but if they do (and they ought) then they are whingeing (sic!!).
The Mods do a bluddy good job but don't expect perfection FFS!
Quote by Peanut

and who told you that's what the fuck i meant,when i said 'no comment' means i dont want to cry over spilled milk,whether the mods get paid or not is none of my business

Perhaps you should learn that a true "no comment" is when your hands don't make contact with the keyboard? rolleyes
That's exactly what I meant.
Quote by Peanut

and who told you that's what the fuck i meant,when i said 'no comment' means i dont want to cry over spilled milk,whether the mods get paid or not is none of my business

Perhaps you should learn that a true "no comment" is when your hands don't make contact with the keyboard? rolleyes
Jesus bloody wept thats rich - give it a friggin break please
Quote by Lost

and who told you that's what the fuck i meant,when i said 'no comment' means i dont want to cry over spilled milk,whether the mods get paid or not is none of my business

Perhaps you should learn that a true "no comment" is when your hands don't make contact with the keyboard? rolleyes
Jesus bloody wept thats rich - give it a friggin break please
ha ha not to worry Lost,peanut just adviced me how to deal with @#~]&
Quote by westerross

And perhaps you should get off your pious high horse and recognise that fact. What you call "whingeing" (sic) others call discussing something they see as a problem.

Ah, that's because I don't call my horse high or pious.

That's okay, I did it on your behalf.
I think you'll find I'm just contributing to the discussion. My view is that those complaining are not taking into account the reality that we have volunteer Mods here who do a phenomenal amount of unseen work on our behalf. If they don't realise that then 'bless 'em' but if they do (and they ought) then they are whingeing (sic!!).

And there's nothing wrong in contributing, but personally I don't particularly like being told to grow up when I make a complaint about something. Something that is tangible and others share.
Now you may not have a problem with the situation so good only you, but the fact that others do is no reflection on their maturity.
The Mods do a bluddy good job but don't expect perfection FFS!

I think I'm safe in saying that no-one in this thread is expecting perfection, What we are expecting though, is that the Mods get on the same page and moderate the images with some degree of uniformity. I wouldn't describe that as wanting perfection, would you?
Quote by Lost

and who told you that's what the fuck i meant,when i said 'no comment' means i dont want to cry over spilled milk,whether the mods get paid or not is none of my business

Perhaps you should learn that a true "no comment" is when your hands don't make contact with the keyboard? rolleyes
Jesus bloody wept thats rich - give it a friggin break please
You will find that when I have a comment I make it, when I don't... I don't.
That's the good thing about not trying to sit astride a fence with perfect symmetry, at least one knows where one is coming from. I just wish everyone did that.
Quote by Peanut

and who told you that's what the fuck i meant,when i said 'no comment' means i dont want to cry over spilled milk,whether the mods get paid or not is none of my business

Perhaps you should learn that a true "no comment" is when your hands don't make contact with the keyboard? rolleyes
Jesus bloody wept thats rich - give it a friggin break please
You will find that when I have a comment I make it, when I don't... I don't.
That's the good thing about not trying to sit astride a fence with perfect symmetry, at least one knows where one is coming from. I just wish everyone did that.
Bloody innit
Quote by Peanut

And perhaps you should get off your pious high horse and recognise that fact. What you call "whingeing" (sic) others call discussing something they see as a problem.

Ah, that's because I don't call my horse high or pious.

That's okay, I did it on your behalf.
I think you'll find I'm just contributing to the discussion. My view is that those complaining are not taking into account the reality that we have volunteer Mods here who do a phenomenal amount of unseen work on our behalf. If they don't realise that then 'bless 'em' but if they do (and they ought) then they are whingeing (sic!!).

And there's nothing wrong in contributing, but personally I don't particularly like being told to grow up when I make a complaint about something. Something that is tangible and others share.
Now you may not have a problem with the situation so good only you, but the fact that others do is no reflection on their maturity.
The Mods do a bluddy good job but don't expect perfection FFS!

I think I'm safe in saying that no-one in this thread is expecting perfection, What we are expecting though, is that the Mods get on the same page and moderate the images with some degree of uniformity. I wouldn't describe that as wanting perfection, would you?
It ain't life or death mate - cheer up!
I think there's been enough explanation as to why it is a tricky problem to define and also keep consistent to satisfy the vast majority of reasonable people. What's more, it's even been said that it could well be reviewed in the future.
Oh and don't take things so personally. wink
I think I'm safe in saying that no-one in this thread is expecting perfection, What we are expecting though, is that the Mods get on the same page and moderate the images with some degree of uniformity. I wouldn't describe that as wanting perfection, would you?
I hope ive quoted this bit right from what Peanut said
I totally agree with you on this peanut.
In the past we have had pictures on this site for over a year then 1 day they disapeared!!! tried to upload again....they got on then went again rolleyes
When we submitted a ticket we did get an explanation, but we felt it wasnt fair that our pictures that did have an extra female in ( all face blacked out) they were not allowed but yet I see single guys profiles on here with a womans face on giving him oral,,,now this itself gets me mad they are willing to post a face pic of a woman they have met or previous girl but wont put one of themselves on mad :x
Quote by TabbynTina
I think I'm safe in saying that no-one in this thread is expecting perfection, What we are expecting though, is that the Mods get on the same page and moderate the images with some degree of uniformity. I wouldn't describe that as wanting perfection, would you?

I hope ive quoted this bit right from what Peanut said
I totally agree with you on this peanut.
In the past we have had pictures on this site for over a year then 1 day they disapeared!!! tried to upload again....they got on then went again rolleyes
When we submitted a ticket we did get an explanation, but we felt it wasnt fair that our pictures that did have an extra female in ( all face blacked out) they were not allowed but yet I see single guys profiles on here with a womans face on giving him oral,,,now this itself gets me mad they are willing to post a face pic of a woman they have met or previous girl but wont put one of themselves on mad :x
That is what I have been saying. Whenever there is a problem people go on about all the work the op's and mod's do..blah blah.
We all know that. We also know this site would be much worse off without them, and all the ones I have had dealings with, have bent over backwards to help but... It is not about that!! It is about showing some commonsense and all the mods and ops knowing what is allowed. There are many other things on this site where they take different rules to one another.
Let's see if we can have a proper debate WITHOUT the needless bickering amongst some.
( Yes I know I am guilty of that too ! ). But would hate to see this thread taken off and locked as well. lol
Quote by kentswingers777
That is what I have been saying. Whenever there is a problem people go on about all the work the op's and mod's do..blah blah.

As you so rightly point out, the mod's defenders frequently use this expression. The point is though that this IS the work they do. It's part of the job description. If they can't do it properly or won't do it properly then perhaps they shouldn't be a mod. It's hardly rocket science.
Quote by westerross
It ain't life or death mate - cheer up!

Yes I agree it isn't, but every so often something comes along that irritates me, and this is one of those things.
And yes I was having an exceptionally bad day.
I think there's been enough explanation as to why it is a tricky problem to define and also keep consistent to satisfy the vast majority of reasonable people. What's more, it's even been said that it could well be reviewed in the future.
Oh and don't take things so personally. wink

It's not a tricky problem unless people make it a tricky problem. It seems to me to be quite an easy problem to solve. If a third party is on there and they can't be identified then they can stay.
If there's something overtly identifiable about them such as a face, a tattoo or a business card with their full name and address on then they get deleted. If the pic contains just their dick, their boobs/pussy, a disconnected hand, a little finger then it's pretty fucking obvious that no-one other than the other people in the shot are going to identify them.
Why do people make things so complicated?
Some blokes have very distinctive dicks (so I'm told!). smile
And I would've thought a disconnected hand is a dead giveaway!! wink
My guess is that the issue will be discussed at length and when things have quietened down a bit a change may be introduced to ensure a greater degree of consistency.
Oh and by the way - the reason why people habitually point out that the mods put in a lot of unrewarded effort when this sort of thing comes up is because it's true. Most of the mods here originate from the era when it was done for the love of the lifestyle or that the site owner was respected so much that people wanted to help out. One thing fer sure is that it ain't a job.
Hi again...
Just read through all the new posts which have been added to the thread since yesterday and its pretty interesting reading.. Thanks so much for leaving all your comments about the topic..
I hope that Mal still doesn't think I'm on a one-woman mission to "drum up support" as he puts it to enable me to "continue breaking the rules"..
It seems really obvious to me that as you so perfectly put Peanut-
It's not a tricky problem unless people make it a tricky problem. It seems to me to be quite an easy problem to solve. If a third party is on there and they can't be identified then they can stay.
If there's something overtly identifiable about them such as a face, a tattoo or a business card with their full name and address on then they get deleted. If the pic contains just their dick, their boobs/pussy, a disconnected hand, a little finger then it's pretty fucking obvious that no-one other than the other people in the shot are going to identify them.

This to me is as simple as it needs to be.. And exactly as uncomplicated as it should be.. The level of incosistancy of the moderating was all that has ever been in question in this thread and nothing else.. The admin and ops and mods all do a fantastic job on SH and should be highly commended but, when the next meeting comes around I seriously think these changes need putting into place.. It would be for the good of the website and not just for my own personal gain.
thanks again xx
we have ad pics taken off and been told off 4 it but it was not because ov a 3rd party its was over a car number plate nd again i have seen pics on here with full showing plates on so it does seem like double standards xxxxx 1 rule for all if we avin rules
Just flicking through this thread, cos as Mal said, things have been discussed many a time, only the other day about photos and the regulations on them.
We have all said we want to sing from the same song sheet, and do try to - but from several posts, people think it's gone a bit wonky sometimes :uhoh:
How should the AUP be written for instance, and how do you make 'black and white' rules with no grey areas, what rules should they be?
As has already been said, there are hundreds and hundreds of photos a day to authorise, we ain't gonna get it perfect every time - would like to, but that's impossible. Would love to have as few 'grey' areas as possible, what do you allow dunno
For instance, what seems to be the biggest problem on here, looking at the posts, exactly how much of a third party would you allow and think fair to have in the picture, a full face cooeee I'm here, or a quarter of a fingernail? Where should the line be drawn? Bearing in mind that getting consent from a possible 907635 people and keeping an eye on which pic was consented to isn't an option :shock:
Quote by Missy
For instance, what seems to be the biggest problem on here, looking at the posts, exactly how much of a third party would you allow and think fair to have in the picture, a full face cooeee I'm here, or a quarter of a fingernail? Where should the line be drawn? Bearing in mind that getting consent from a possible 907635 people and keeping an eye on which pic was consented to isn't an option :shock:

It's a given that from a logistical point of view that consent can't be given by third parties or even chased op. I don't think anyone in this thread has realistically expected that.
As for how much of the person. Well it's all a matter of criteria and why the original ruling of "indistinguishable" came about. Is it there to stop people identifying themselves or is it there to stop others identifying them. If it's the former then you may as well stop third parties completely as that person knew they were there when the shot was taken and would more than likely know it was them from the "quarter of a fingernail".
By the rules of logic what is left is that you wish to prevent other people identifying the 3rd party. This makes things simpler.
An arm is an arm, a leg a leg and under the majority of circumstances is not enough to identify someone conclusively. This changes when something makes that arm, leg, dick, tit uniquely identifiable. See where I'm going here?
If something in that pic is uniquely identifiable then by all means delete it. That's what I'd do. What I wouldn't do is delete an image that contained the presence of a third party if that third party couldn't in all likelihood be identified by a 4th party. All it takes is some common-sense and reasoning. It's very rare that an image contains a full body shot of 3rd parties, at least not enough that makes it obvious who it is unless they were really, REALLY, intimate with that person.
So, body parts okay. Body parts with unique identifiers, not okay.
What justification can be given by any of the mods that an image with an arm or whatever is a reason for the image to be deleted when that body part looks like any other person's?
its easy I would have thought
No 3rd party faces
No faces of 2 women ( unless account is for 2 women)
No 3rd party body parts with tatooes or that would be recognised
Like in the picture I had removed the only things that could be identified on the people in picture was hubbys tatoo on his arm and my arse stuck up in the air........ and I didnt have my tatoo then :twisted:
Quote by Peanut
Yes I agree it isn't, but every so often something comes along that irritates me, and this is one of those things.

Yip I know the feeling rolleyes
NWC, I have some cream for irritations, well its more of an oil, want me to rub it in for you :grin:
Quote by Dawnie
NWC, I have some cream for irritations, well its more of an oil, want me to rub it in for you :grin:

Rapeseed oil is far more beneficial than groundnut oil :P
Quote by Dawnie
NWC, I have some cream for irritations, well its more of an oil, want me to rub it in for you :grin:

Sod off and stop teasing, your straight (or so we have been led to believe) lol
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
NWC, I have some cream for irritations, well its more of an oil, want me to rub it in for you :grin:

Sod off and stop teasing, your straight (or so we have been led to believe) lol
As long as it's not peanut oil - now that would REALLY irritate!! :lol:
Quote by Peanut
NWC, I have some cream for irritations, well its more of an oil, want me to rub it in for you :grin:

Rapeseed oil is far more beneficial than groundnut oil :P
Depends how you want to benefit from it I guess. Anyway, I was thinking more about using baby oil :rascal:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
NWC, I have some cream for irritations, well its more of an oil, want me to rub it in for you :grin:

Sod off and stop teasing, your straight (or so we have been led to believe) lol
Damn it, I really have to remember that at times :doh:
Once again I have just looked through the single fems gallery and can't believe that the Admin team have allowed through some of the photographs.....
Blatent double standards!!!!!
I'm almost positive some of the entire profiles are fake!!!! sort it out!!!!
mad :x :x :x :x :x :x
Quote by sexy_bi_minx
Once again I have just looked through the single fems gallery and can't believe that the Admin team have allowed through some of the photographs.....
Blatent double standards!!!!!
I'm almost positive some of the entire profiles are fake!!!! sort it out!!!!
mad :x :x :x :x :x :x

I've just looked at the single females gallery (up to page 20) and can't see anything other than single females and some completely unidentifiable cocks. If you think something is wrong with a profile, report it. Mods don't, as far as I am aware, check profiles - the only way to 'sort it out' is for people to report them.
Quote by Freckledbird
I've just looked at the single females gallery (up to page 20)

the things 'we' do in the name of research :twisted:
Quote by splendid_

I've just looked at the single females gallery (up to page 20)

the things 'we' do in the name of research :twisted:
Yep - wasn't looking, to criticise though wink