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SH Rules on posting photographs....

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Do you think the rules on the SH photographs are too strict?????

So basically what your saying is if you hold a couple account you can have third partie's in your pics because you cannot be sure who the account holder is...
But if you have a single account you cannot have any other people in your pics as they are definately not the account holder????
One rule for one and one for another!
That is unfair.
As someone .. ( I think Grotmeister) said in an earlier post... One of the reasons I added the pics in the firstplace was because I thought it would be a good advert for the website.. I have been a member on here long enough, and know enough other members for them to know I am genuine. I consider a lot of them to be freinds now.. Instead I am advised to let admin know of any other pics that break AUP rulings so they can be given a warning themselves..In other words grass them up!
All along from now on I have to tread on eggshells in the knowledge I will be banned if I upset them again..
I think the photographs that are taken off the internet and added into the gallery stand out like a sore thumb... (and yes they are quite easy to come across if you browse the gallery)
A few very sensible points have been brought up in this thread including being able to send consent from both parties if they want a pic to be used..
I only opened the poll yesterday at lunchtime so I think 28 votes on the matter is quite good.. particulary when probably half of the votes will have been made by moderators. I will be metioning this thread in chatrooms in the coming weeks to friends so the true reflection of how people feel will be there for all to see then
I view a couples account and I see lots of photos of a male appearing with different females, which two own this account?
shouldnt they be asking the profile holder instead of reporting,this i swing site we expect to see pics of third parties of profile for evidence and pics has at times been used as a revenge tatic by some forumist who lost arguments,it would be pointless to ban third party pics but i suggest an email should be provided for every third party persons on profile so the mods can verify
Quote by Phuckers
Deleting pics has at times been used as a revenge tatic by some forumist who lost arguments snip

And where the heck did you pluck that notion from :lol2:
Quote by Steve
Deleting pics has at times been used as a revenge tatic by some forumist who lost arguments snip

And where the heck did you pluck that notion from :lol2:
am speaking from experience,i had the same pics for over 6 months,but the minute i joined the forum they got deleted within a week,i had someone question me why i had"pics of a white female on my profile"yet i claim to be single male..there was no faces shown
Quote by sexy_bi_minx
So basically what your saying is if you hold a couple account you can have third partie's in your pics because you cannot be sure who the account holder is...
But if you have a single account you cannot have any other people in your pics as they are definately not the account holder????
One rule for one and one for another!
That is unfair.

No what is "basically" being said is no recognisable third parties at all :doh: It's impossible to tell sometimes if someone is the account holder, therefore we rely heavily on reports.
You call it being a grass, I call it bluddy helpful when people are good enough to take the time out to report ads/photos/posts/profiles etc.
Quote by Phuckers
I view a couples account and I see lots of photos of a male appearing with different females, which two own this account?

shouldnt they be asking the profile holder instead of reporting,this i swing site we expect to see pics of third parties of profile for evidence and pics has at times been used as a revenge tatic by some forumist who lost arguments,it would be pointless to ban third party pics but i suggest an email should be provided for every third party persons on profile so the mods can verify

As I said up there, we do rely on reports from others to try and keep peoples accounts for information about themselves.
As for the outrageous 'revenge' statement, utter tosh, have no idea where you got that from or if you just made it up as fact, but it's rubbish. None of the mods have deleted pictures for 'revenge' :shock:
Third party pics aren't 'banned'. So long as the photo is mainly of the account holder and the third party is unrecognisable, they're ok. Emailing every third party as you suggested would take hours and hours, there are hundreds of photos a day to go through. I like to have forum play time as well as the modding thing.
Quote by Phuckers
Deleting pics has at times been used as a revenge tatic by some forumist who lost arguments snip

And where the heck did you pluck that notion from :lol2:
am speaking from experience,i had the same pics for over 6 months,but the minute i joined the forum they got deleted within a week,i had someone question me why i had"pics of a white female on my profile"yet i claim to be single male..there was no faces shown
But how can you say it was someone in the forum who reported your photo's because they lost an argument dunno
Quote by Steve
Deleting pics has at times been used as a revenge tatic by some forumist who lost arguments snip

And where the heck did you pluck that notion from :lol2:
am speaking from experience,i had the same pics for over 6 months,but the minute i joined the forum they got deleted within a week,i had someone question me why i had"pics of a white female on my profile"yet i claim to be single male..there was no faces shown
But how can you say it was someone in the forum who reported your photo's because they lost an argument dunno
am afraid i dont get your point,lets hope the poll's outcome is acted upon
Quote by Phuckers
am afraid i dont get your point,lets hope the poll's outcome is acted upon

My point is you made an accusation and I am asking you to give some proof of this....
Quote by Steve

am afraid i dont get your point,lets hope the poll's outcome is acted upon

My point is you made an accusation and I am asking you to give some proof of this....
its was on the steamroom when i first join,and the so and so took it very personal,ill dig on my archives if you are that interested
Phuckers, I don't think any of the mods would actively seek revenge on anyone by doing as you suggest. One thing is that it would have to ba something really crapola to want revenge another is that life is too short.
Personally I wouldn't report a photo unless I knew it or suspected it to be wrong/bad/ not right. I may know a photo may be of someone other than the person in the photo's partner or the such by maybe something such as an obvious mark, a tattoo or scar but unless I had a reasons other than those i'd not say anything, It does smack of being a grass in some sense I feel. But hey I stress if I was concerned I would and have reported a photo.
Quote by Lost
Phuckers, I don't think any of the mods would actively seek revenge on anyone by doing as you suggest. One thing is that it would have to ba something really crapola to want revenge another is that life is too short.
Personally I wouldn't report a photo unless I knew it or suspected it to be wrong/bad/ not right. I may know a photo may be of someone other than the person in the photo's partner or the such by maybe something such as an obvious mark, a tattoo or scar but unless I had a reasons other than those i'd not say anything, It does smack of being a grass in some sense I feel. But hey I stress if I was concerned I would and have reported a photo.

you are right Lost i was only stating my experience it wasnt a mod directly responsible
Quote by Missy
So basically what your saying is if you hold a couple account you can have third partie's in your pics because you cannot be sure who the account holder is...
But if you have a single account you cannot have any other people in your pics as they are definately not the account holder????
One rule for one and one for another!
That is unfair.

No what is "basically" being said is no recognisable third parties at all :doh: It's impossible to tell sometimes if someone is the account holder, therefore we rely heavily on reports.You call it being a grass, I call it bluddy helpful when people are good enough to take the time out to report ads/photos/posts/profiles etc.
Well why am I not allowed to do exactly this then? As I have said repeatedly.. I have only ever posted photograph's of me and another SH member.. with her consent and with NO recognisable body parts on show...
hence the reason for this thread in the first place.. confused
I have to say...
Take 5 minutes to browse throught the single female section of the gallery....
no third parties in the pics???
Just to get this back on track -
The photo should be mainly of the account holder(s), only non-distinguishable parts of third parties can be shown.
Before you post a picture containing the part of a third party defined above, you must have the approval of that person and be able to produce it to Admin, if required. If a complaint is received from someone who claims to be in the picture and is not happy about it, the onus of proof of permission will be on you.
Photos will be deleted if they contain any of the following:
# Anyone who looks under the age of 18.
# Contain little or nothing of the account holders.
# Children can be seen - anywhere and in any context
# People can be seen in the background
# Animals can be seen
# Any contact information such as an email address, URL or mobile/telephone number is on them
# They are too small to be useful or if they have not been cropped correctly.
# The photo is blurred or too difficult to make out.
# They are deemed to be too obscene or inappropriate for this site.
Please note repeated disregarding of these rules WILL result in your account being de-activated.

I know for a fact that you have had many many many warnings about pictures, with reasons. I know because I can see that these have been sent. Now you are starting a poll to justify why you keep breaking the rules? To drum up support for the fact that you cannot comply with the rules, even after all those warnings.
We know the rules aren't perfect. I haven't voted at all - yet. but if and when I do it is likely that I would vote for a change. It is something we will be looking at in the near future.
However, under the current rules, why can't you take responsibility for your own actions? The rules are there, fine. You can read them and we can implement them, but by you deliberately flaunting those rules it doesn't help the matter whatsoever.
you are twisting the rules to fit your argument.
The rule does NOT say "no third parties", it says "only non-distinguishable parts of third parties can be shown" - not the same thing.
We get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pictures everyday. We cannot spend several minutes on each pic deciding whether it has broken the rules or even considering whether to contact you to see if you have the third parties permission. we act on what we see. for the thousands of other members who might have pictures rejected, they accept that they have breached the rules and either amend the pic or post ones that don't breach the rules.
tell me this - if you persistently drive past a speed camera in a 30mph zone and it flashes at you for exceeding the speed limit, how many times does it take to realise that the speed you are travelling at is not allowed? Once? Twice? Three times? More than that? Does that say that the speed limit is wrong or that you just don't get it?
I haven't seen constructive arguments here. I've seen people complaining about their pics being deleted, not a sensible, reasonable, constructive consideration of how the problem can be resolved. If you came up with a way of doing that we would love you to bits, but currently that is not the way you come across.
I don't really feel I can comment really as not having any photos on here at all.
But I have read all the comments made and most feel that to have a third party in their photos doesn’t seem to be a problem.
I would have a problem if someone used pictures of me as a way to advertise their sexual exploits on here, as most have discretion paramount in their profiles. I feel if third parties wanted photos of themselves they could put their own pictures up on their own profiles.
There are other ways that pictures can be shown to a select few you wish to show. I don’t think they need to be on here for all and sundry to see.
Some have said that third parties could give their consent to Admin for the use of their pictures to be used in another person’s profile.
I really could not see and correct me if I am wrong how Mods or Admin could know that the right people have given their consent. Which leaves things open for abuse in my personal opinion.
I for one would like to be protected by sh rules and know I am safe getting on with my fun in the knowledge that pictures I or third parties have made together are not for all to see.
I do know there are a lot of pictures of third fourth and fifth parties on here and I always wonder if all the people in the pictures know the pictures are here.
The same as I wouldn’t expect to see other people in what is show as a single profile, be it single men or women profiles.
I know it is a swinging site and we are all adults but I use this site for the fact that it is run in a way I feel comfortable and protected.
Quote by Mal
tell me this - if you persistently drive past a speed camera in a 30mph zone and it flashes at you for exceeding the speed limit, how many times does it take to realise that the speed you are travelling at is not allowed? Once? Twice? Three times? More than that? Does that say that the speed limit is wrong or that you just don't get it?

Or more of an accurate analogy would be if the camera was badly set up and went off at varying speeds between 20 and 35 so that passing motorists never knew what fucking speed to go at.
I haven't seen constructive arguments here. I've seen people complaining about their pics being deleted, not a sensible, reasonable, constructive consideration of how the problem can be resolved. If you came up with a way of doing that we would love you to bits, but currently that is not the way you come across.

There have been several constructive arguments. you are just choosing not to see them.
Quote by Peanut

tell me this - if you persistently drive past a speed camera in a 30mph zone and it flashes at you for exceeding the speed limit, how many times does it take to realise that the speed you are travelling at is not allowed? Once? Twice? Three times? More than that? Does that say that the speed limit is wrong or that you just don't get it?

Or more of an accurate analogy would be if the camera was badly set up and went off at varying speeds between 20 and 35 so that passing motorists never knew what fucking speed to go at.
Do you mean a 'grey' area? Something not very specific? In the real world? How amazing!

I haven't seen constructive arguments here. I've seen people complaining about their pics being deleted, not a sensible, reasonable, constructive consideration of how the problem can be resolved. If you came up with a way of doing that we would love you to bits, but currently that is not the way you come across.

There have been several constructive arguments. you are just choosing not to see them.
I have no need personally to answer each and every comment on any thread. That is my personal choice.

I feel the need to point out that we are all human. (I know, I know, there are some grey areas with some that I have seen)
Also the mods and ops on this site are voluntarily administrating it. The paid staff number about 4 or something I think. There are flippin' thousands of people on this site and even more photos to 'check'
Shut up and get out there and have sex. If you are so desperate to share your photos then e-mail them to people once you know them better.
I don't know about the rest of you but I like to fuck and all this time whinging about a damn good site (I mean it must be as I get laid regularly and that is the only barometer that I need.) is utterly annoying. It distracts from what we should all be doing.
passionkiss 69position
Quote by splendid_
I feel the need to point out that we are all human. (I know, I know, there are some grey areas with some that I have seen)
Also the mods and ops on this site are voluntarily administrating it. The paid staff number about 4 or something I think. There are flippin' thousands of people on this site and even more photos to 'check'
Shut up and get out there and have sex. If you are so desperate to share your photos then e-mail them to people once you know them better.
I don't know about the rest of you but I like to fuck and all this time whinging about a damn good site (I mean it must be as I get laid regularly and that is the only barometer that I need.) is utterly annoying. It distracts from what we should all be doing.
passionkiss 69position

Fancy a fuck? I've got pics!! :rascal:
Quote by Mal

tell me this - if you persistently drive past a speed camera in a 30mph zone and it flashes at you for exceeding the speed limit, how many times does it take to realise that the speed you are travelling at is not allowed? Once? Twice? Three times? More than that? Does that say that the speed limit is wrong or that you just don't get it?

Or more of an accurate analogy would be if the camera was badly set up and went off at varying speeds between 20 and 35 so that passing motorists never knew what fucking speed to go at.
Do you mean a 'grey' area? Something not very specific? In the real world? How amazing!

Yes, but in this instance it doesn't need to be "grey", it needs all of the mods to be on the same page with regard to the definition of "indistinguishable".
I haven't seen constructive arguments here. I've seen people complaining about their pics being deleted, not a sensible, reasonable, constructive consideration of how the problem can be resolved. If you came up with a way of doing that we would love you to bits, but currently that is not the way you come across.

There have been several constructive arguments. you are just choosing not to see them.
I have no need personally to answer each and every comment on any thread. That is my personal choice.

Who said anything about answering them? You said you didn't see any. Recognising them would be well on the way to being helpful. Or is that a "personal choice" too?
Quote by splendid_
I feel the need to point out that we are all human. (I know, I know, there are some grey areas with some that I have seen)
Also the mods and ops on this site are voluntarily administrating it. The paid staff number about 4 or something I think. There are flippin' thousands of people on this site and even more photos to 'check'
Shut up and get out there and have sex. If you are so desperate to share your photos then e-mail them to people once you know them better.
I don't know about the rest of you but I like to fuck and all this time whinging about a damn good site (I mean it must be as I get laid regularly and that is the only barometer that I need.) is utterly annoying. It distracts from what we should all be doing.
passionkiss 69position

:thumbup: hump
Quote by Peanut

tell me this - if you persistently drive past a speed camera in a 30mph zone and it flashes at you for exceeding the speed limit, how many times does it take to realise that the speed you are travelling at is not allowed? Once? Twice? Three times? More than that? Does that say that the speed limit is wrong or that you just don't get it?

Or more of an accurate analogy would be if the camera was badly set up and went off at varying speeds between 20 and 35 so that passing motorists never knew what fucking speed to go at.
Do you mean a 'grey' area? Something not very specific? In the real world? How amazing!

Yes, but in this instance it doesn't need to be "grey", it needs all of the mods to be on the same page with regard to the definition of "indistinguishable".
I haven't seen constructive arguments here. I've seen people complaining about their pics being deleted, not a sensible, reasonable, constructive consideration of how the problem can be resolved. If you came up with a way of doing that we would love you to bits, but currently that is not the way you come across.

There have been several constructive arguments. you are just choosing not to see them.
I have no need personally to answer each and every comment on any thread. That is my personal choice.

Who said anything about answering them? You said you didn't see any. Recognising them would be well on the way to being helpful. Or is that a "personal choice" too?
Yep! lol
Quote by Mal
Fancy a fuck? I've got pics!! :rascal:

yeah, but are they yours? confused
Quote by splendid_
I feel the need to point out that we are all human. (I know, I know, there are some grey areas with some that I have seen)
Also the mods and ops on this site are voluntarily administrating it. The paid staff number about 4 or something I think. There are flippin' thousands of people on this site and even more photos to 'check'

And this is relevant how? The paid staff are paid to do the job they are paid for and the voluntary staff do the job they volunteered for. Both sets knew what they were doing before either being paid or volunteering.
Shut up and get out there and have sex. If you are so desperate to share your photos then e-mail them to people once you know them better.

Not all of us are gorgeous, gregarious and fuckable so therefore need advertising to get what we need. Pics help that.
I don't know about the rest of you but I like to fuck and all this time whinging about a damn good site (I mean it must be as I get laid regularly and that is the only barometer that I need.) is utterly annoying. It distracts from what we should all be doing.
passionkiss 69position

The fact that you get laid regularly is not even close to being a barometer on how good or bad the site is. Like I say not all of us find it as easy to get a shag hence trying to make it that bit easier.
Quote by Mal
Or is that a "personal choice" too?

Yep! lol
May I suggest two trips then?
First one to SpecSavers then nip into Waterstones to pick up the latest version of the OED.
Quote by Peanut
I feel the need to point out that we are all human. (I know, I know, there are some grey areas with some that I have seen)
Also the mods and ops on this site are voluntarily administrating it. The paid staff number about 4 or something I think. There are flippin' thousands of people on this site and even more photos to 'check'

And this is relevant how? The paid staff are paid to do the job they are paid for and the voluntary staff do the job they volunteered for. Both sets knew what they were doing before either being paid or volunteering.
Shut up and get out there and have sex. If you are so desperate to share your photos then e-mail them to people once you know them better.

Not all of us are gorgeous, gregarious and fuckable so therefore need advertising to get what we need. Pics help that.
I don't know about the rest of you but I like to fuck and all this time whinging about a damn good site (I mean it must be as I get laid regularly and that is the only barometer that I need.) is utterly annoying. It distracts from what we should all be doing.
passionkiss 69position

The fact that you get laid regularly is not even close to being a barometer on how good or bad the site is. Like I say not all of us find it as easy to get a shag hence trying to make it that bit easier.
oh peanut, my little hairy guinea pig.... trust me pics don't actually help a great deal. Your stunning personality, rapier wit and pure unadulterated charm are what make me want to meet you.
It takes more than pictures.
I am just saying give the people here a break.
If anyone should be getting cross it should be me, I look far better in my pics than real life and the amount of times I have been stood up don't bear thinking about really. I think they see me on that street corner in my mini skirt and french knickers and think.... nah:- She is a munter those pictures are of someone else.
It makes a gal want to cry into her fair trade, soya latte.
My petite pois... honestly, it is not worth your effort.
Quote by Mal
Just to get this back on track -

I haven't seen constructive arguments here. I've seen people complaining about their pics being deleted, not a sensible, reasonable, constructive consideration of how the problem can be resolved. If you came up with a way of doing that we would love you to bits, but currently that is not the way you come across.

why dont you act on the complains then,this third party issue has been hanging on for we see someone frastrated their pics have been deleted and yet they can see similar pics on others profile,i did give a suggestion but that was stumped out immediately...
Surely the whole point of a forum is to have a construtive arguement with a view to making appropriate changes so more people are happy????
The reason I started this thread was to find out what other members think on the matter as well as the SH team
All I get in my mailbox is regurgitated copied and pasted shit of admin similar to that guff you just posted above in the box. If you read my posts right through here my arguement is that.. ( for the feckin 10th time) Their is no consistancy...
I have not posted any distinguisable body parts on my pics.. no faces etc..
It's not my job to change SH policy.. It's admin and mods..
HENCE THE POLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know enough members on here think the same so I thought a poll may be a good idea to find out what the general members think and not just the mods.
whats your problem?
Quote by st3v3
This a subject thats been debated in the mods lounge and discussed a few times, the rules have evolved and changed over the years and each time we have all tried to consider whats best for the site, people using the site and people appearing in photo's without them knowing.
It may not be perfect and it will never be 100% consistent unless we approve pretty much everything, there's also photo's on the site approved at different times when differing guidelines were in place.
The admins and moderators all have differing opinions but we discuss come up with what we all think is the best way to do this and implement it.
I'm not picking on you kentswingers777 but I thought as you had taken the time to look at the other posts and put in some scenarios it would be a good point in this thread to add some comments in addition to those posted earlier by Dawnie and NWC.

Take a scenario where I want to put pics up but not of me or mrs777. So we get a couple of pictures from the web and put them up on our profile. How does SH know they are us or not, as the case maybe?

We don't know for sure, but all pics get reviewed and the blatently obvious ones get deleted, also if any member spots one they can report it and this does happen a lot. You would get found out eventually. It is a problem though and in some cases when reports come in we do make people provide additional evidence.
Quote by kentswingers777
In my opinion as long as no third party faces are shown, where is the big deal?? It is very clear to me that each mod sees things differently on this site. Why the hell cant mods get together with admin and reach a decision that EVERYONE agrees to? It does not help at all when one will and one wont. Where is the bloody sense in that?

You can blank out the faces but in some cases that may not be enough, hence the wording;
The photo should be mainly of the account holder(s), only non-distinguishable parts of third parties can be shown.
Before you post a picture containing the part of a third party defined above, you must have the approval of that person and be able to produce it to Admin, if required. If a complaint is received from someone who claims to be in the picture and is not happy about it, the onus of proof of permission will be on you.

So far as getting everyone together, it does happen and I think my opening comments cover that.
Quote by kentswingers777
In my view it is so easy to sort out but for that to happen the mods have to have clear guidelines as to what is or not allowed. How hard is that?

It needs some work as even with what we have in place we do have some anomalies and its not that easy as people will not always interpret things in the same way, but as I said right at the start, it something that we discuss.
One thing I'd like to add, I've looked through lots of accounts when there have been complaints and there are a lot of scenarios, now if I was a member looking through accounts and came across the following what sort of impression would I get from the following;
I view a couples account and I see lots of photos of a male appearing with different females, which two own this account?
I view another couples account and there's the same female in every photo, sometimes she is with a one guy and sometimes its someone else?
I view a another account and every photo has 5 people in it, so which ones are the account holders.
In the case of singles featuring others, the mainly of the account holder should prevail, mostly the account holder with a little of the other party.
Never thought for a moment that you would be " picking on me ". Just strange how only my opinions have been answered though. dunno
I have read all the replies but felt it would be better and less time consuming to just reply to one.
The main problem that I can see is what I have already said. It is different peoples interpretations as to what they think is allowed or not. By that I mean one mod will allow pics and the other wont. Where is the sense in that? Until you get a system up and running where everyone is singing from the same song, you will always have this problem and of course with that become irate members, who have had their pics banned.
Another thing I do not agree with is the arguement that if you do it again you will be banned. :shock: Now obviously I do not know how many times one member can take the piddle and keep doing it, but the original poster was threatened with that course of action, which I feel is a bit strong seeing as we are all adults here.
There is obviously a problem here for some and the best way I can see to deal with it is to have clear regulations on what is allowed, so all the mods can act on that.
As I have said I know I am not being singled out, and appreciate your replies to my comments. Can I put a pic of just me bike up now please? lol lol Also where is my application papers for me mods job? lol
Must say ive usually decided wether i want to fuck whom ever before i actually look at the pics and very rarely does that change after seeing pics. If i want to fuck you it isnt because of the way you look, thats when i meet as a single though
Think at some point we all have had pics deleted, it happens, shit happens, thats life