Quote by Freckledbird
I've just looked at the single females gallery (up to page 20)
the things 'we' do in the name of research :twisted:
Yep - wasn't looking, to criticise though

you clearly didn't see the one of me with my breasts out then....

Quote by splendid_
I've just looked at the single females gallery (up to page 20)
Quote by sexy_bi_minx
Once again I have just looked through the single fems gallery and can't believe that the Admin team have allowed through some of the photographs.....
Blatent double standards!!!!!
I'm almost positive some of the entire profiles are fake!!!! sort it out!!!!:x :x :x :x :x :x
Quote by sexy_bi_minx
Hiya guys and girls,
I wondered if any other members had fallen foul of swinging heavens rules on posting photographs of third parties?
I have recently had a couple of meets with another fem through SH and wanted to put a couple of photographs onto the site. I have been very careful not to include any distinguishable body parts or hair etc in the pics in order to keep within the site rules. However I had my pics removed after 3 days without warning. I thought maybe they had failed to load properly so added them again. The second time I was given a final warning and told my account would be deleted if I tried again to load the photographs.
I just think that the rules are a little over the top. We are all adults and only members of this site for one reason, to have fun, I don't really appreciate being treated like a child and told if I don't stick within the rules my membership will be revoked.
You don't have to look too far on the gallery feature to notice that dozens and dozens of profiles have third parties involved in their photographs.
So, Come on SH team.. lighten up on the daft rules on the photographs and allow us all to have a little fun on here and not left to feel like we dare not attempt to do anything for fear of losing our membership's...
Siena xx
Quote by sexy_bi_minx
Once again I have just looked through the single fems gallery and can't believe that the Admin team have allowed through some of the photographs.....
Blatent double standards!!!!!
I'm almost positive some of the entire profiles are fake!!!! sort it out!!!!:x :x :x :x :x :x