We never plan to do anything so can't really comment on "a balancing act" Sex fits in with us, we don't fit our lives around sex.
We only ever do what we feel like, when and where-ever we like whether it be a quickie, long slow grind or just a lovely cuddle.
Well we botn work (he does days i do nights) and have 3 kids so at home lifes just full of quickies, fitting in where u can lol
I do find sometimes u have to make time for yourselves, i understand what is ment by not planning sex and that u should just do it when u feel like it but for some of us its not that easy, some of us do have to take time out and put it to one side for ourselves.
I agree, being spontaneous is great, but having kids means the reality is that you have to grab it when you can!
Teenagers are just the worst!
Oh the happy days of force feeding them calpol and them having a guaranteed 12 hours sleep.
Now, they're up to all hours, mooching about, grunting and whinging
Perhaps you should use Microsoft project to help plan your sex life?
I'm sure a Gantt chart would be wonderful. You could even highlight the bits where you're going to be spontaneous.
It certainly is a balancing act, it would be lovely to be able to let our own needs drive our every act, but being a family is all about balancing the needs of all of you. Parents have a tendency to subvert their needs under the needs of their children. The thread recently about having the kids walk in on you when you are having sex is a prime example. What is wrong with kids knowing their parents have sex? They might not like the thought - but at the end of the day, that is one of the reasons our kids have a two parent family and not a single parent family - because we take time out for our own relationship. When they really need us, the balance swings the other way and we take time out from our relationship for them.
This does not happen throught fate or instinct, but by bloody hard work, lots of planning and lots of forethought. If we KNOW we are going to have time alone, we plan for it, and we plan to have time alone.
When living in the love of a family, being spontaneous is only possible in a well balanced life.
Perhaps you should use Microsoft project to help plan your sex life?
I'm sure a Gantt chart would be wonderful. You could even highlight the bits where you're going to be spontaneous.