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shaging/love making a ballancing act?

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How is it at times we feel in different ways? confused
I mean theres times when a long bout of taking your time Love making is what u want and then theres times when a quick bit of rampant sex and getting your ass banged off is just what you need! wink
I know theres times when theres a time restriction when youve only got time for a "quickie" and then theres times when you just want th shag the ass off each other with raw passion lol
And theres times when youve all the time in the world and you can take time and actually make love with all the niceties and effection of your desires :wink:
Both these situations are enjoyable in different ways lol :wink:
Theres always the restrictions from daily life to get in our way, kids, work family etc so it really is a balancing act to fit both situations into our lives
How do you feel about this ballancing act???
Goodtimez xxx
Quote by goodtimez
How is it at times we feel in different ways? confused
I mean theres times when a long bout of taking your time Love making is what u want and then theres times when a quick bit of rampant sex and getting your ass banged off is just what you need! wink
I know theres times when theres a time restriction when youve only got time for a "quickie" and then theres times when you just want th shag the ass off each other with raw passion lol
And theres times when youve all the time in the world and you can take time and actually make love with all the niceties and effection of your desires :wink:
Both these situations are enjoyable in different ways lol :wink:
Theres always the restrictions from daily life to get in our way, kids, work family etc so it really is a balancing act to fit both situations into our lives
How do you feel about this ballancing act???
Goodtimez xxx

A Balancing act????????? ............................ how clinical.........
Surely spontaneity comes into this first and foremost.... free to do whatever you feel like doing.... without the need for such plans....... I understand that there can be such restrictions as time, lack of privacy etc.,......... but to call it a balancing act makes it all seem just a little 'cold'........
equi-princess xxx
We never plan to do anything so can't really comment on "a balancing act" Sex fits in with us, we don't fit our lives around sex.
We only ever do what we feel like, when and where-ever we like whether it be a quickie, long slow grind or just a lovely cuddle.
Well we botn work (he does days i do nights) and have 3 kids so at home lifes just full of quickies, fitting in where u can lol
I do find sometimes u have to make time for yourselves, i understand what is ment by not planning sex and that u should just do it when u feel like it but for some of us its not that easy, some of us do have to take time out and put it to one side for ourselves.
I agree, being spontaneous is great, but having kids means the reality is that you have to grab it when you can!
I just love long slow foreplay and would consider it a must to anything further............
However a while ago that went straight out of the window (metaphorically speaking) redface
Quote by equi-princess
How is it at times we feel in different ways? confused
I mean theres times when a long bout of taking your time Love making is what u want and then theres times when a quick bit of rampant sex and getting your ass banged off is just what you need! wink
I know theres times when theres a time restriction when youve only got time for a "quickie" and then theres times when you just want th shag the ass off each other with raw passion lol
And theres times when youve all the time in the world and you can take time and actually make love with all the niceties and effection of your desires :wink:
Both these situations are enjoyable in different ways lol :wink:
Theres always the restrictions from daily life to get in our way, kids, work family etc so it really is a balancing act to fit both situations into our lives
How do you feel about this ballancing act???
Goodtimez xxx

A Balancing act????????? ............................ how clinical.........
Surely spontaneity comes into this first and foremost.... free to do whatever you feel like doing.... without the need for such plans....... I understand that there can be such restrictions as time, lack of privacy etc.,......... but to call it a balancing act makes it all seem just a little 'cold'........
equi-princess xxx
Yeh your totaly right but when your worn out from work and youve got teenage kids it aint easy fitting it in when u want and as such just having a quickie is a bit frustrating lol We all need a bit of loving now and again!!!
It would be nice to let our feelings take controll but at times we have to make do! lol
Teenagers are just the worst!
Oh the happy days of force feeding them calpol and them having a guaranteed 12 hours sleep.
Now, they're up to all hours, mooching about, grunting and whinging
Too right happy cats lol and at that age they can put 2 and 2 together!!!
Heres to the inventer of Calpol tho wink :cheers:
Perhaps you should use Microsoft project to help plan your sex life?
I'm sure a Gantt chart would be wonderful. You could even highlight the bits where you're going to be spontaneous.
Quote by Happy Cats
Now, they're up to all hours, mooching about, grunting and whinging

have we got the same kids lol
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Now, they're up to all hours, mooching about, grunting and whinging

have we got the same kids lol
i think you i must have wandered into your house by mistake, sorry
It certainly is a balancing act, it would be lovely to be able to let our own needs drive our every act, but being a family is all about balancing the needs of all of you. Parents have a tendency to subvert their needs under the needs of their children. The thread recently about having the kids walk in on you when you are having sex is a prime example. What is wrong with kids knowing their parents have sex? They might not like the thought - but at the end of the day, that is one of the reasons our kids have a two parent family and not a single parent family - because we take time out for our own relationship. When they really need us, the balance swings the other way and we take time out from our relationship for them.
This does not happen throught fate or instinct, but by bloody hard work, lots of planning and lots of forethought. If we KNOW we are going to have time alone, we plan for it, and we plan to have time alone.
When living in the love of a family, being spontaneous is only possible in a well balanced life.
Perhaps you should use Microsoft project to help plan your sex life?
I'm sure a Gantt chart would be wonderful. You could even highlight the bits where you're going to be spontaneous.
Planning has nothing to do with coldness - quite the opposite, it is about caring enough about someone to spend the time thinking about their needs.
P.S. BTW - Powerproject has prettier colors. wink
I used to plan days ahead (due to a travelling job). Only problem is that the inevitable headache normally got in the way. sad
Now I'm single, I still plan, but it's only daydreaming wink
Quote by KitKat
Planning has nothing to do with coldness - quite the opposite, it is about caring enough about someone to spend the time thinking about their needs.
P.S. BTW - Powerproject has prettier colors. wink

Yep !!!!!!
Love making is what you do with someone you love !!!! shagging errrrm well ......... enuf said !!! lol
Quote by ChairmanMiaow
Perhaps you should use Microsoft project to help plan your sex life?
I'm sure a Gantt chart would be wonderful. You could even highlight the bits where you're going to be spontaneous.

you could of course Audit the level of arousal and strength of orgasm for lovemaking and raw sexual activity, pop it into an excel spreadsheet and analyse the results via a pivot table. just a thought.
theres an accoountant deep inside all of us, thank god mine is verrrryyy deep inside lol