those who want to can stand as candidates and set out their policy plarforms here , and then on 5th may we can vote .Got to be better and more interesting than the real thing
Hornyred dino what an intresting idea.
I am to ill tot hink of anything else to say
McCloggie will stand as the SH Party (middle of the sandwich) candidate for Utopia South.
Following the example of our illusrtrious leaders (not) my manifesto will be based on what people want we to say as opposed to reality.
no rules , no seconding , just ,
and lets see who will be in place at number 10 s/h towers come 5 th may
Yes we should
I want to stand on behalf of the SH fluffers and southern trollops parties,
Policies:- will be sorted out at a later date,
Do I get to do TV interviews? who going to interview me?
All we need now is a "Swing-o-meter" :giggle:
it really should be a secret ballot as well, with mark or the Mods as the returning officer.
Or maybe the Mods could stand for election, with promises of how they will deal with their selected forums?
oh boy, politics and swinging!!! i think i need a bigger tree :twisted:
I wonder who will be the Chief Whip?
I'm up for this course its way too early for thinking of my manifesto and other such bollox.
I think that me and Clare could be some kind of Richard and Judy type,but in a more interesting,less annoying,more likely to shag the guests than interview them type thing.
Yes,yes we'll be the correspondants and get to try out all the candidates before they play on the polls on the 5th May.