This is my first posting please go easy on me.
Have just met this great girl and we are having loads of fun....the other day she said that a guys shaven (cock and balls) really turns her on.
The thought of taking a blade near my privates scares the hell out of bad enough when you cut your face!!!
So did a little research...and found that shaving either during or after a hot shower is best as it opens up the pores.
Also wanted to find out if there were any alternatives to using a conventional razor (Gillette)
Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated, as I would really like to surprise her.
try using shaving oil instead of the conventional foam as it enables you to see what you are doing better and is better if you are shaving in the shower or bath as you say its better when the pores are open
:welcome: to the forums.
To be honest I wouldn't take a blade - sharp or rusty - to my scrotal area if my life depended on it. However, I am completely shaved down beiow, but that's thanks to a light dusting of talc and my trusty Braun electric shaver. It seems to get into all the nooks and crannies without any problems, and never so much as a graze.
Okay, I'm sure the purists out there are busy gearing up for their indignant replies, but I gave up using wet razors in my teens and never looked back. I do occasionally wonder who originally decided to invent the sharpest implement known to man, and then suggested adolescents should use it to scrape the fuzz off their faces at the precise time their skin set out to mimic the surface of the moon! :shock:
Well my thoughts differ from some above
I always use a brand new razor, good quality shaving foam, hot water, cold water immediately after, repeat every two days :thumbup:
I'd say dont use talc as its not that good on your private parts, I use a little baby oil, just a very little and also yes not a brand new razor and I use a sensitive skin gel or foam and yeah great idea if pretty erect when you do it so you dont cut yourself, very much like shaving you chin but easier as you don't need to look in the mirror!! can get itchy but you'll get used to it and maybe never go back a the bush!
Tesco do a very good hair removal cream which i use now just apply to the area leave for 5 mins then shower off really easy and the bonus is no blades or shaving rash lol
Try Carsons magic shaving powder. Cheap on the usual auction sites. Does a great job and ya dont get ingrowing hairs or itching.
Real men use a blow torch and sander
Go for it I trim my hair to a grade two with hair clippers shave with wet razor and get back done by my wife every three weeks it's worth the effort
I'd never trim what little I have, I'm passionate about Bi hairy men!
Each to there own I suppose.
Well you dont have a hairy clit any more eh? Happy to check of course.
In edit yers it is very important to follow the timing instructions to teh second.
I use Veet hair remover, with care.... get it on fast and keep you eye on the clock. I leave it on for 6 mins and then dive into the shower, which I have running ready. If I leave it a bit too long I put some soothing cream on,and leave fun until the following day. It lasts far longer than shaving, and regrowth isn't so stubbly. I wrap a bit of cling film round my willy to prevent it from getting burnt by the cream, and I look ridiculous during the whole procedure.
I tried wax once, and my advice, unless you're into BDSM, is don't do it.
Well I've used a couple, both described as for bikini lines or whatever, and less agressive than the one for shins or other areas presumably less sensitive. The last one I got was in a spray, but the nozzle clogs, and no amount of washing it under the tap will free it so I have to take the nozzle off and press the little stalk down with a finger nail which results in foam going all over the place including the bathroom wall but not including my soon-to-be-smooth bits. The good part is that it doesn't burn, and it doesn't smell, so if the kids come in there's none of that 'Dad what's That Smell?' business.
I for one will happily pay to see Neil shave his knackers blindfolded.
i think the aftercare is just as important as the shave itself i would highly recommend starflower herbal cream if you dont want a rash...