Chatting with others last night, the subject of sheds came up......
Seems a lot of peeps use a shed for different reasons etc.
For me..... I always wanted a shed so I can play with big boy toys in it. Somewhere I can make my own for my hobbies and chill out. I'd like a nice relaxing space to work in, yet practical too. I have a dream of making it to look nice an arty, colourful and lots of yummy foliage around it like ferns etc.
What do you use your shed for???
If you have pics of your Shed...please show!
Its where we keep my brother - hes the agressive one :shock:
Posh Kate's got a Sheddy :twisted: She loves it! :giggle:
Fire x
Oh WOW - a thread about one of my favorite subjects
Well mine is roughly 4m by 6m, fully air conditioned.
It has four rooms, a workshop, a drawing office, a main lounge and an attic.
I built it all by myself and as you can probably tell am damn proud of it.
It also has 32 twin sockets (you can never have to many), surround sound, but unfortunately no plasma yet.
All that said, it is my temporary home - I work, sleep and play in here. :shock:
My shed houses my canaries, all 15 of them..
It's fully insulated and ventilated, has 6 breeding boxes, 14 feeding pots, and perches a plenty..
They fly out of a hole in the door, straight into the huge aviery attached on the outside..
Maybe I should get one. Saves having to dig up the patio for the next hubby :twisted:
We arent sure where in the flat to put one :shock:
well its a moderm proberb... The bigger shed you got, the less grass you have to mow !
I love my shed me!
16' x 8' 4 steps down into it as its partially underground, the windows are at ground level, turf roof, and a log burner in the corner.
one day I might actually do something useful in it