Every now and again you need to do or go somewhere you haven't been before. Last time ( a couple of months ago ) I did the Nottingham thing, and yes, had a great time and survived despite some members taking bets against it.
In a couple of weeks time I have to go into hospital for an MOT and service, so won't get out much for the weeks that follow :cry: . So to keep me going I've decided to go out for a good slurp and as it came in a close second last time, I've decided Sheffield - the only question is ( not why ! ) but where and do what.
Can anyone suggest a good place to stay, nice hotel, good food close to stuff ?
As I have no idea and personal recommendations are always the best.
Would love to hear some feedback as there must be loads of you who either live near or frequent it.
Or is this a "bad" idea ! My theory is you don't know till you've tried it. :wink:
Look forward to some constructive advice - or am I just asking for this thread to go pear shaped and get hi-jacked ( as if )