Shld I tell my wife I desperately want to suck twink cock? Even when I'm fucking her I'm fantasising about going down on a gorgeous blond boi with a swimmer's physique
Yeah, you should tell your wife, then your mother, then your priest, then, most importantly, tell the police. You'll get a cool badge or something.
what is a 'twink cock'
Dawn :silly:
I think it's one of the teletubbies.
I think, a twink is an American term, meaning a Man usually Gay who looks about between the ages of 18 to 21,
Either way it's got about as much appeal as a teletubby. Yes you should tell your "wife".
Reality check needed :!: :!:
"Twink" cocks, eh..... Oh I can tell you a few stories of the (legal :shock: ) under 20s... remind me one day, hey hey :twisted:
Should you tell your wife? Dunno really. Yes, I suppose you should, she might have been having twink cock for ages and might be willing to share a bit with you :grin:
Well? Did you tell her? The people demand an answer.
This is a bit like Trisha, but even more disturbng.