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Shoes - we need 'em

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OK, Mrs Belle is sick to the back teeth of Mr Belle constantly pointing out how many shoes Mrs Belle has. Whenever Mrs Belle gets another pair, Mr Belle rants on - unless of course they are long heels, it's different when they are heels.
So come on, tell Mr Belle how necessary shoes are.
You complete let down! Go and stand in the corner (in your boots)
Did I say you were to wear anything other than your boots.....?
Quote by belle_djour
OK, Mrs Belle is sick to the back teeth of Mr Belle constantly pointing out how many shoes Mrs Belle has. Whenever Mrs Belle gets another pair, Mr Belle rants on - unless of course they are long heels, it's different when they are heels.
So come on, tell Mr Belle how necessary shoes are.

I don't believe that it's an explanation that actually requires to be explained but I'll try, for the benefit of Mr Belle.
Shoes. Shoes are a fundamental part of my existence. As a woman, I need shoes or boots on a pretty much monthly basis. It's not a want (well it is) but it's a need which most men and some women (classed as total weirdos) have no understanding of.
I need not be questioned on my purchases of shoes, ever. I may have four pairs of the same shoe but in a different colour. This is quite acceptable and, in fact, normal provided you're not a man. I have shoes that have never made it out the bedroom. This is also acceptable. I have a pair of specially handmade thigh high boots that I've never worn. The only outing they've had is on Marmalaid in fancy dress. This is not really acceptable and I should really flog them and replace them with new ones. (Makes mental list to do just this!) I have never thrown out a pair of shoes since I was a teenager. I'm now 36. At the last count I had 200 pairs of shoes. This was approximately 18 months ago. I decided then I would stop counting, I just didn't stop buying. wink
When a new pair of shoes are purchased, there should be no questions asked, there is no logical reason behind shoes and the female mind. It is just one of life's little quirks that you should accept without question. :mrgreen:
Top tip to Mrs Belle... when new shoes are purchased, sneak them into the house and into the wardrobe and make out that you've had them forever, you just haven't worn them much and came across them in the cupboard and thought you'd give them an airing. With high heels... don't bother, just find a pair of stockings/hold-ups, put them on with little else and he really won't care how much you've spent on the sexy new shoes! lol
“I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!”
- Marilyn Monroe
“Give a girl the correct footwear and she can conquer the world”
-Bette Midler
“I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty”
-Imelda Marcos
Quote by Kaznkev
OK, Mrs Belle is sick to the back teeth of Mr Belle constantly pointing out how many shoes Mrs Belle has. Whenever Mrs Belle gets another pair, Mr Belle rants on - unless of course they are long heels, it's different when they are heels.
So come on, tell Mr Belle how necessary shoes are.

sorry,officially an alien cos i admitted in chat i only have 4 pairs of shoes,uggs,crocs,kickers and walking boots,i did have some play shoes but the heels broke.
Now boots,there necessary :twisted:
maybe dg can help you out dunno
Hold your head in shame and put those vile things in the bin unless you can guarantee that you NEVER wear them outwith your home!!!! *facepalm*
I thought you was asking for shoes for a minute, was going to offer you my cherry reds. Size 10 steel toe White laces, and very well ox bloodied!!! :0)
Quote by Dirtygirly
OK, Mrs Belle is sick to the back teeth of Mr Belle constantly pointing out how many shoes Mrs Belle has. Whenever Mrs Belle gets another pair, Mr Belle rants on - unless of course they are long heels, it's different when they are heels.
So come on, tell Mr Belle how necessary shoes are.

I don't believe that it's an explanation that actually requires to be explained but I'll try, for the benefit of Mr Belle.
Shoes. Shoes are a fundamental part of my existence. As a woman, I need shoes or boots on a pretty much monthly basis. It's not a want (well it is) but it's a need which most men and some women (classed as total weirdos) have no understanding of.
I need not be questioned on my purchases of shoes, ever. I may have four pairs of the same shoe but in a different colour. This is quite acceptable and, in fact, normal provided you're not a man. I have shoes that have never made it out the bedroom. This is also acceptable. I have a pair of specially handmade thigh high boots that I've never worn. The only outing they've had is on Marmalaid in fancy dress. This is not really acceptable and I should really flog them and replace them with new ones. (Makes mental list to do just this!) I have never thrown out a pair of shoes since I was a teenager. I'm now 36. At the last count I had 200 pairs of shoes. This was approximately 18 months ago. I decided then I would stop counting, I just didn't stop buying. wink
When a new pair of shoes are purchased, there should be no questions asked, there is no logical reason behind shoes and the female mind. It is just one of life's little quirks that you should accept without question. :mrgreen:
Top tip to Mrs Belle... when new shoes are purchased, sneak them into the house and into the wardrobe and make out that you've had them forever, you just haven't worn them much and came across them in the cupboard and thought you'd give them an airing. With high heels... don't bother, just find a pair of stockings/hold-ups, put them on with little else and he really won't care how much you've spent on the sexy new shoes! lol
“I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!”
- Marilyn Monroe
“Give a girl the correct footwear and she can conquer the world”
-Bette Midler
“I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty”
-Imelda Marcos
Oh, I do sneak them into the house, and he really does ask if they are a new pair even if I have had them for a year.
I'll wait till the Formula 1 is on, then I could bring a trailer full of Jimmy Choo's to the house and he wouldn't notice.
Strange thing is he never complains about me having enough thongs...
wonders when I last wore a pair of heels confused
Actually its Dek who has the shoe/heel fetish - its him who (used to) check ebay almost daily for the most slutty pair of shoes he could find - buy them and expect me to be able to walk in them loon
He is the same with knickers to
And clothes
and cameras
And bike wear, alloys etc
He has 6 pair of converse shoes :confused: In different colours
and bike and camera magazines - really I have editions from 2005 onwards in the bottom of the wardrobe there is just NO need
*shakes head* no wonder my bedroom is over flowing with clothes and shoes and other things
He has all his work stuff in the boot of the car - he has not been at work since April mad
Tan (most definitely the one with the male brain)
Only the purchase of flat sensible shoes are questioned by Dek - "whadda ya need them for" he says :gagged:
Quote by Dirtygirly
I may have four pairs of the same shoe but in a different colour. This is quite acceptable and, in fact, normal.....
I have a pair of specially handmade thigh high boots that I've never worn..
I have never thrown out a pair of shoes since I was a teenager....At the last count I had 200 pairs of shoes. This was approximately 18 months ago. I decided then I would stop counting, I just didn't stop buying. wink

You live in a one bedroom flat :shock:
If you didn't have such fine boobies i'd poke you with a stick and call you shoe freak poke loon
Quote by meat2pleaseu
You live in a one bedroom flat :shock:
If you didn't have such fine boobies i'd poke you with a stick and call you shoe freak poke loon

Yeah... and my bedroom is full of shoes and naughty stuff... oh and there are some clothes in there too! :giggle:
I'll take the poke! :rascal:
My husband owns many more pairs of shoes than I do. They're shoes. Keep the shoes, give me experiences...holidays..."doing stuff"
Quote by Witchy
My husband owns many more pairs of shoes than I do. They're shoes. Keep the shoes, give me experiences...holidays..."doing stuff"

I do kinda get the girlies and shoes thing. I'm a musician, I have 10 guitars, 4 keyboards, over 20 harmonicas, a drum kit and various percussion items. If you ask a muzo the optimum number of instruments one needs to own, the answer is "just one more" smile
Mr Stuff is the same with the tools of his trade. He's a joiner, and has every shape and size of chisel you can imagine, and don't get me started on spirit levels.........loon
And he's catching me up on the shoes-front too rolleyes
Want me to get started on Mr Belle and cables...?
He has a fetish for them, I'm certain; computer ones, car ones, telephone ones, more computer ones. He says they are useful - so why are they in boxes in the garage?
Quote by belle_djour
Want me to get started on Mr Belle and cables...?
He has a fetish for them, I'm certain; computer ones, car ones, telephone ones, more computer ones. He says they are useful - so why are they in boxes in the garage?

you can wear a pair of black shoes to go to work, go shopping, to the pub or to visit relatives....they're just shoes
but there is no way an RJ45 will ever be comaptible with a Mr Belle is a smart bloke to keep them handy and ready :grin:
Quote by Tan--Kinky
wonders when I last wore a pair of heels confused
Actually its Dek who has the shoe/heel fetish - its him who (used to) check ebay almost daily for the most slutty pair of shoes he could find - buy them and expect me to be able to walk in them loon
He is the same with knickers to
And clothes
and cameras
And bike wear, alloys etc
He has 6 pair of converse shoes :confused: In different colours
and bike and camera magazines - really I have editions from 2005 onwards in the bottom of the wardrobe there is just NO need
*shakes head* no wonder my bedroom is over flowing with clothes and shoes and other things
He has all his work stuff in the boot of the car - he has not been at work since April mad
Tan (most definitely the one with the male brain)
Only the purchase of flat sensible shoes are questioned by Dek - "whadda ya need them for" he says :gagged:

i love converse, they are so gorgeous, i only have 3 pairs .... at the moment smile
Aahhh, shoes.
Now I can get totally and absolutely and irrationally obsessed by shoes. There are shoes all over the world filed away in the "I should have bought them" part of my head: the pair of silver boots in Rome, the beautiful sandals in Baton Rouge... I could go on.
I love shoes.
But I have cut down dramatically on my impulse buying... ish. (Apart from the gorgeous black strappy numbers that I *had* to have on a recent weekend away... :twistedsmile
When I first met Mrs Hot I simply could not comprehend the whole shoes, bags, perfume, make up thing. There were shoes that lived on the dressing table, bags that decorated tables and baskets full of multi coloured perfume bottles in the bedroom.
Six years later - I understand her totally. It is what makes her a woman and I love her style, her taste and her attitude. I would never question anything she buys because she is all woman and it all looks great on her. Even if it is never worn or used - she is a woman and this is what makes her the way she is.
From a mans perspective, I would much rather see a wardrobe full of sexy shoes and boots than a cloak room full of crocs, trainers and sensibles.
May I offer my sympathy to Mr Belle. If he needs the support of fellow sufferes, I am National Coordiantor for the Swinging Shoe Fetishists Victims Support Group and can put him in touch.
Quote by belle_djour
OK, Mrs Belle is sick to the back teeth of Mr Belle constantly pointing out how many shoes Mrs Belle has. Whenever Mrs Belle gets another pair, Mr Belle rants on - unless of course they are long heels, it's different when they are heels.
So come on, tell Mr Belle how necessary shoes are.

My wife Teresa has lots as well
I know we have some which are just for playing in but what are the ones that never get used for? dunno