Quote by Xjxkx
Can 'Shoogle' please advise on what to do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant :
No idea but from your sig I guess it's you been making the dents in my Landys rear tub
Quote by keeno
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by jaymar
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by keeno
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by Kiss
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by keeno
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by keeno
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by jaymar
Bit of a problem at Keeno Towers, my girlfriend has mixed the chocolate covered peanuts with the chocolate covered raisins. I love the peanuts but I'm not so keen on the raisins. How can I ensure that when I settle down on the sofa to watch CSI that I only eat the peanuts?
Quote by redangel
I'm curious about aspects of the BDSM scene and the whole Master/Mistress slave thing.
Its not so much the physical aspect ot it, the actual acts that are involved, Wikipeadia has been more then helpful in that respect.
I'm more curious about the personal relationship side of it - does the master/mistress love their slave in a vanilla sence, or do they percieve them purely as an object. That kind of thing.
Does anyone know a good site, or a book they can recomend, that may shed some light on this. Or is there a Master/Mistress willing to chat about this with me.
Quote by winchwench
Can anyone remember the name of the TV programme in which some big shot bloke goes into failing businesses & tries to turn them around? Or his name perhaps?
Quote by Kiss
Can anyone remember the name of the TV programme in which some big shot bloke goes into failing businesses & tries to turn them around? Or his name perhaps?
Quote by jaymar
Can anyone remember the name of the TV programme in which some big shot bloke goes into failing businesses & tries to turn them around? Or his name perhaps?
Quote by winchwench
Not the restraunt one hun- TY though hun
Beginning to wonder if it was trouble at the top now, I think that was more fly on the wall whereas the one Im looking for had a guy (I can picture him- just can't think of his name!) who went in & advised. A bit like the "hotel inspector". Ish.
Quote by keeno
I just used this phrase in a thread and realised I don't know the exact wording or origins. Can anybody help
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing
Quote by felixx1416
I just used this phrase in a thread and realised I don't know the exact wording or origins. Can anybody help
All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing