Quote by triker69uk
Why has a giraffe got such a long neck?
Cos its head is so far away from its body?
:D :D
Why is a giraffe's head so far away from its body?
Quote by Kiss
:D :D
Why is a giraffe's head so far away from its body?
Quote by blueandpink
Why can't I stop eating Bonne Maman Creme brulees?
pink x
Why can't I stop eating Bonne Maman Creme brulees?
pink x
Sorry about that. I seem to be on a one man lack of charm offensive ops: .
I saw your post and couldn't resist. I tried and tried to find different words but I couldn't.
I have a similar problem to you but it involves my mouth and my foot.
Quote by blueandpink
Not sure, could be the silver hairs of maturity or the sheen of sweaty fear. :cry:
Quote by blueandpink
Not sure, could be the silver hairs of maturity or the sheen of sweaty fear. :cry:
Quote by winchwench
I'm guessing they're trying to "act" the middle ground. Too much hip-bucking, and people watching will be going "yeah, right-overacting or what?" Therefore the girls are underplaying their orgasms to make them seem more realistic Thats my best guess anyway.
I can unashamedly act my socks off :smug:.....pity I've not got the body for porn really