yep, i agree! one left unpierced gives u options.
as a piercer i could do it 4 u.......:P
hehe x
Hi Heather
Personally speaking I get very excited at the prospect of a nipple clamp, but the permanency and change of contour of a piercing has the opposite effect. ! done and 1 not does have its benefits I suppose.
Hoep you are happy with your own decision though, that matters more than anything else. It would be dreadful if you didn't like it once it was done, and then felt unhappy at letting any gents play with your boobs ever again! Wouldn't it?
Mr brother in law had his done and they got all infected and manky so he got rid of did his tongue too and ended up swallowing his piercing twice.
i voted no!
its not that i dont like them, i just think that it may be very painfull (flashbacks to my belly button) and as you are an ample chested girl u will prob not feel too comfortable going without a bra, wich means they are going to be getting irritated by the constant rubbing action.
how about u buy a fake piercing, that way u can be sure its really you.. before u go ahead with the real thing.
Heather I think you should have one done and see how you feel about it. I voted YES cos I think they look great on women and men.
While I'm here, piercerbabe one of my nipple rings has moved quite badly and doesn't sit right. Can I just remove it and have it re-done at a later date. If so, how long do I have to wait for heeling and having it done again?
Dawn :silly:
While I'm here, piercerbabe one of my nipple rings has moved quite badly and doesn't sit right. Can I just remove it and have it re-done at a later date. If so, how long do I have to wait for heeling and having it done again?
yeah, best thing to do is to remove it. let it heal fully (when fully healed it should have no visible holes), and when the nipple is squeezed u shouldnt b able to feel any hard scars on the inside. should u b able to feel any then just give it time till all scar tissue has been dissolved back into the body.
If u hav it repierced to soon, it will b tough to pierce and wont heal very well.
hope this helps x
ohh sexy!!! get one done then leave the other nice and natural so we can suck it!! hehe
Far be it for me to suggest what someone should or should not do in the quest for pleasure, but IMHO the female body is beautiful enough without any embelishments.
Its gotta to be a great big no from me.I dont think that are that nice and they detract from the beauty of the nipples.
COLD MILK???!!!!!
if her piercer told her to do that he/she needs 2 b shot!!
I tried to vote for 1 nipple....kept taking me back to the front page too.
Ive been thinking about having both mine done.......not plucked up the courage yet. After reading everyones thoughts it has helped me decide to have only one done at first.......if I like it I can always have theother done at a later date!
Now to find the courage and a female piercer.........hehehe
Can I ask, how do they make it so that the nipples stand out and are ready to be pierced? Also, how do they make the clit stand up in order to be pierced?
I hope this isn't considered hi-jacking, but I was just interested.....