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Should I give it up?

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86 replies
8 watchers
After one or two meets lately with people who seemed nice and genuine but in the end turned out to be total arseholes, im feeling really fed up.
When I first started to come on this site before christmas I had some fantastic meets with some great people but during the last few weeks, due the amount of newbies due to recent publicity, it is getting harder and harder to judge who is genuine and who isn't.
All I want is a bit of fun with a sexy guy or two - is that too much to ask????????
Anyway, ive decided to go celibate for a few weeks and have adopted a no newbie policy. From now on, I am only going to meet people who I have known and chatted to for a long time or people that have been recommended to me.
Is anyone else finding it hard to find genuine people lately??????
I feel better now ive had my moan.
Shelly wink
if you look at the threads about "to the timewasters" I think yu will find you aren't alone.
sadly there are far too many arseholes around willing to spoil it for the rest (only need to look at all the press this section of life gets).
Don;t give up, not everyone is an AH. I think it was Angel who said she had 200 replies and mainly from idiots... bad as that is, there's 6000 people on here... most of whom seem to be able to read and understand!
Munches may be a better idea??
Well I'm sorry you've had a hard time with the Newbie's IS hard to find genuine guys, but they are out there....
Just keep on persevering, hopefully you'll find someone great to have fun with....or come to one of the Munches and meet some people there...
speaking on behalf of genuine males (albeit I am also a "newbie" to this site), please don't tar us all with the same brush.
I have been a member of a couple of sites over the past couple of years and there are also a lot of couples/single fems that also fall into this catergory. However there are also a lot of guniune ones, as there are men.
Like all things in life, there are a minority that spoil it for others
Ok I think I have had my say, and put the world to right, sorry for my little rant.
Thanks guys
I aint tarring you all with the same brush Luke. I just thought that maybe it is better to be safe than sorry and to not bother with newbies at all.
Maybe its me that is in the wrong, maybe i've just bad at judging people.
I've met some fantastic people from here, and yeah, some of them were newbies. All I am sayin is that there are sooooooooooooo many of them lately, its just impossible to know who are genuine swingers and who are here cuz they read a story in the sun and think they are going to get an easy lay.
Well Luke, if you are one of the nice guys, maybe we should keep in touch, im from Notts wink
Shelly XXX
I am sorry to hear the problems you have had but as a relative newbee I would like to say there will always be a proportion of people who will be time wasters. As I am not in a position to meet anyone at the moment Im just enjoying the site and the company and wit. Hope things get better for you soon.
Oh and just a general note .I do think you can tell a lot about people by their posts in the forum but find some of the ads positively off putting
Best of luck for the future biggrin
Hello shelly : )
Well, there are probably lots of genuine, warm, funny, sexy, articulate, polite, friendly guys on here

I really do feel that they should not allow mental patients to use computers unsupervised.
Kinky Lizard, ur BLOODY MENTAL lol
I'll have a word with my specialist Shelly and see if he can up my dosage a little wink

Kinky Lizard biggrin
a little??
He sadi No!
Crikey I never knew how hard it was to type wearing a straight jacket.
tds HI! Long time no insult! wink
Kinky Lizard
Kinky Lizard, nice to see you're as mad as ever biggrin
Regarding the newbies question Shelly, I guess you are more likely to meet a higher percentage of idiots who are newbies, just because they come here for a couple of days looking for a quick lay not really having any empathy with the more genuine members, but to echo Luke’s point, we ain't all bad wink
Good luck and take care :D
Hi again shelly,
No am sure you have had some bad experiences, as I am sure we all probably have. Unfortunatatly a lot (and I agree with you) mostly men use these sites as a form of titilation etc, and are probably not genuine.
I just felt that your posting makes it hard/er for genuine guys to meet up with other genuine like minded people.
Anyway enough said, I'm all for a healthy debate!
I wouldn't be so presumtious to say that I was one of the nice guys (ask my staff I can be a right, but if you want to stay in touch and make up your won mind I would be more than pleased.
Happy hunting, Luke
Hello Shelly, Having been skirting around this site for over a year now i too wondered if there were any Genuine people about, i hadn't used the Forum but frequently replied to the posted Adverts & visited the chatrooms most nights.
The amount of non Genuine people made me think long & hard about carrying on but recently i met a lovely couple from the North of England & we had a fantastic time, this however took weeks of getting to know each other & made for a better experience all round.
Don't give up hope Shelly, just take your time to get to know somebody first , i did & i'm so happy now & ready to meet more new people biggrin
I had no intention of starting a debate. I just wanted to get it off my chest.
I am sorry if you have took offence at what I have said.
Apoloigies in here?? biggrin
I really don't think anyone has (or could) take offence :D
Quote by Kinky Lizard
tds HI! Long time no insult! wink
Kinky Lizard

wow you missed me I am worried now!
I am not new to this and I do take my time to get to know people. I meet up with single guys, on my own, so am very careful about who i meet.
All I am saying is that I have got to know a guy or two recently, spent hours and hours talking to them, met them, had a bit of fun, then they have turned fuckin weird.
I wish i never said owt now mad
redface I have not taken offence to what you said in any way, I just wanted to put the single guy point of view over.
Anyway can we :cheers: and make up sometime
whip I may be persuaded Lukewarm, but I might have to punish you :whip:
worship never done punishing before, but hey in for a penny in for a pound as they say, and it sounds like fun :twisted:
name you place
confused You know what, im going to keep me gob shut from now on
Stick to what and who you know Shelly,thats my best advice to know that there are genuinely guys out there that youve chatted to or have met you werent impressed by what occured meet up with sure you know a lot of gen guys that you havent had fun you want recommendations use that method too,if the guy is genuine im sure he wouldnt mind you asking somebody about him.I know i certainly dont.
Was that a subtle hint tonguey????
Me subtle Shelly,i think you know me better than some friendly advice thats all.
BTW do you fancy a good tongueing ?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
69position ready when you are tongue
Youre on Shelly,at least you have met me before so you know im not going to you all weird on you.
All I am saying is that I have got to know a guy or two recently, spent hours and hours talking to them, met them, had a bit of fun, then they have turned fuckin weird.

Personally I would never tell a woman about my equine fantasies until we had been on more than a few ‘outings’ together.
Some guys eh.....
Seriously (me?) Shelly, that is terrible to hear. Don't give up on the male of the species though.
I'll make a wish for you on my lucky cake

Everyone has a lucky cake... right?
Kinky Lizard biggrin