Joki? Who the fuck is Joki?
Joki - are you adopted?
I'm in trouble now, aren't I? :uhoh:
I bet it's the one in front!
I reckon, the one on the right ... similar eyes and smile ...
Me? Pished? Dunno the wording of the mean....
Voting on the which one / is she or isnt she poll has slackened off.....
after a board meeting it has been decided to award a PRIZE at the end of the poll for the most appropriate/inappropriate funny........... ect comment left.
Look forward to yer comments Joki and Sis
this is how this picture came about i think
hi girls im joki do us a favour heres a tenner each , can my mate take a photo of us all together then i can tell my mates that i fucked you all , thanks.
its amazing what 30 quid gets you these days !!
No idea which one's his sister.. but could he please send all three round to mine for a closer look?!?!? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
(starting to fit in with the 'lonely housewife' image!)
My reply to most will be simple... "my words were 'lonely housewife' not 'desperate housewife') :twisted: