To be honest blonde, I felt it WAS mental abuse. It was the main reason we split up.
When my son was 3 he ran into a main road, than God it was quiet at the time. But we used that road regularly. I had to make sure he NEVER did it again. So I told him that he must never run into the road and if he did it would hurt. And I slapped him an his bare leg. That taught him that running into the road hurts. It was that or let him learn the hard way.
But slaps must only be used with love and for a clear reason. Some of these 'banners' can't tell the difference between a discipline slap and a beating. These are the people we should be worried about.
I totally agree that more support for struggling and overwhelmed parents would be a great thing.
Are we saying then that one of the reasons children get slapped, hit - whatever we want to call it - is sometimes because parents are struggling and overwhelmed?
Yes of course this happens.
Sometimes children get hit because the parent is taking out his/her frustrations on the child. It makes the parent feel better.
I don't know what the answer is.
But I do feel that a law banning hitting would be a step in the right direction.
emotional abuse is far more damaging than smacking (note i said SMACKING meaning a slap on the hand, butt, legs or whatever NOT a beating)
constantly screaming at a child or telling them theyre stupid/worthless/useless/the cause of all your problems/will never amount to anything/could do better
will damage the psyche far more deeply than a short sharp shock.
I slap my kids if they get out of line, but i rarely have to because the knowledge of getting a slap is far more of a deterrent, and just a glare suffices on most occasions, my kids are happy, well balanced, well mannered individuals, but at the end of the day they know where the boundaries are, and a child without clear boundaries is an asbo waiting to happen.
I feel a lot of people are drifting from the points I asked. It would be nice if you could read my first comments on the first page and then comment on what I have written.
Thanks xxx
saying the knowledge of s slap stops them means that they are scared to do something, because they will get a slap!
i want my child to behave, but not at the expense of her being scared not to behave.
Perhaps I should just mention that my son is 20, well balanced, non-violent and working on a Maths A' level at home prior to going to Uni in September. I just checked with him - he says he is un-scarred (mentally or physically) from his upbringing and considers the relationship he has with both his parents is better and more supportive than any he sees his friends have with theirs.
Oh, and I found depriving him of treats was a better discipline method in most cases and smacking was rare and specific - not me lashing out in frustration.
Mind you when his 9 year old cousin told me to 'piss off' I had to put my hand in my pocket and keep it there. I just glared witheringly at her mother, but I don't think it had any effect.
and theres 2 sides to every coin.....for and against in all debates, thats why its called a debate, if we all shared the same opinions, life would be very boring indeed.
I admire the courage that people are saying hwat they feel and sticking by their convictions and comments, whichever side of the fence theyre on
yes I have like i said I had a smack as a child not all the time but when I deserved it me and my mum are best mates I was a night mare child and need a belt, wooden spoon or cane when I was bad it did me no harm at all :smile2:
My sister has a naughty mat by the front door, works brilliant with the older kids.