I think this is interesting, particularly because I don't really mind making mistakes, as long as I learn from them.
For me, I like to think that I won't judge someone if they've done something I don't like once. For example, if someone cheated on a previous partner, but it only happened once, I wouldn't let that put me off. If they cheated more than once, or with more than one partner, it would put me off because I would find it hard to trust them.
I reckon we are all going to make mistakes, we should only be judged by the reparations we make.
In all honesty...when people keep dragging up the past...even when that person has paid the price...they are nothing but sad,pathetic people.
if you can go through life without making any mistakes that you dont regret then you are not a human being, we all make them some are bigger than others.
Its how others percieve you after your mistake and wether you learn from it and become a wiser person for it that counts.
unless you were party or part of the initial mistake how can you judge someone on it, or maybe mistake is the wrong word, as for Aalisha it wasnt a mistake to her as she doenst regret it.
how can anyone judge if the dont have the first hand circumstances,
i try not to judge people, it is difficult cos it almost seems like its built into us.
Earthy xx
I think this is interesting also.
I don't think we should be judged but it depends on what we have done.
For example, I know of a lady who had an affair, the husband in question found out, they rowed, went to marriage guidance etc., in the end they agreed their marriage was worth saving and decided to give it another go with the view to putting the past behind them. However, after a few years the resentment started to show again and digs were constantly being made by the man to her husband, it tore them apart. The hurt for the rest of the family was immense, I know this, it was my parents.
What I'm trying to say is that if an agreement has been reached it shouldn't be dragged back up some years later. I'm with Sercher, you shouldn't be judged on your past if it has been agreed to forgive and forget.
Everyone has chances in life, if you make a mistake you should have the chance to rectify it. If you keep making the same mistakes you have noone to blame but yourself for people not forgiving you.
I think the answer is - it depends.
If the person who is aware of your previous mistake is convinced their facts are right and if they genuinely believe that you might re-offend and cause problems - then I think the answer is yes a warning should be given.
If either of those factors are not the case then I think answer is no.
What is particularly unfair, I guess, is when someone obtains a false impression or doesn't get their facts right and continues to put the warning word about.
But would you apologise for something your great great great grandad did?