SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!
Quote by teppic
Ok - so we have a vacancy for a Chief Plucker
mmmmm did I spell that right?
Quote by Alexandra
SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!
Quote by Cheetah
SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!
Quote by Alexandra
Ok - so we have a vacancy for a Chief Plucker
mmmmm did I spell that right?
Quote by Alexandra
SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!
Quote by Dune
SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!
Quote by Alexandra
SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!
Quote by Alexandra
SH Poultry farm?
With the proliferation of cocks today and the fact that Christmas is coming - we could make a mint!