You mean I'm not getting paid for this?!?!?!?
unemployed and already been to see the lone parent advisor at the jobcentre this morning for my weekly dose of depressioin
And Istill don't want to become a bus driver!
Isn't this what everybody does at work ?
up eaarly so i finish early too posties do have an advantage some times
feeling ill, so came home, went to sleep for a bit, now here, but going back to collect some things in a short while.
Was to go in today.....on overtime but feeling shitty so stayed in bed.....
on sick with back problem would love to get back to work driving my coach. The job centre will pay for your h.g.v training if you have asthma and they dont send you to docs for tests :idea:
I work from home - and it's really quiet at the moment.....