I guess the thing is, not everyone puts store by it so it might not occur to them to do it.
Plus, are they all people you know well? We've had people message us about our pictures and it's been no more than us replying thanks and perhaps one other reply then we've had a SHREP notification. Personally, I wouldn't really send one at that point as I know very little about that person and wouldn't know what to say.
Have you tried asking some of the people you know best if they would mind submitting feedback?
SHrep can appear to some a tad confusing, I only recently learnt how to leave feedback thanks to the assistance of HnS.
Maybe that's why fewer people have left feedback than you had anticipated :confused:
some people deal with their's every day/time they log on, others only every so often.
granted for the ones you've Shrep'd, have they logged on since ?
also, whilst Shrep isn't hard, some people do seem to struggle with it and although they have it enabled it's only when some one shows or talks them through it does the penny drop and they start completing outstanding items.
am struggling on how to leave a shrep for someone...have done it loads of times before but for some reason its just not working today......think the old grey matter has finally packed up lol
The only kind of shrep we pay attention to is that for real meets but even then some of the people we have met we have been unable to leave shrep for as they dont have shrep switched on
I think for Shrep to be truly honest feedback that others can refer to it needs to be submitted after getting to know the person(s) quite well.
Leaving Shrep after a message or 2 can be misleading to others who look at it because at that stage you yourselves don't really know them..
So yes, I agree with others, I only submit feedback for people I regularly chat to or have met and i am relatively sure they are "nice friendly and genuine" ;) And if they forget to submit mine, I prompt them ;)
One thing though, do we really need a Site and a Vouch one? Think it's enough to have one for online communication and one for meets.
SHREP.....sounds like a bad name for a mutt....people have left shrep for me, and I have no idea how to reciprocate. I've read the posts, but I'm none the wiser, so I just stay mute rather than hit the wrong buttons and cause offence which I then can't then retract.
" as most users with negative SHrep will choose not to display it. "
Sorry, but I've perused many a profile where the OP has chosen to display negative feedback and I for one if left negative SHrep would display it on my profile.