UPDATED - As the bugs with the implementation/Shrep are getting fixed, this is proving to be a useful 'optional' tool on SH
We consider selves to be fairly competent IT people, however SH Rep appears to be one of the most appalling pieces of application code from a user perspective that we've come across in over 30years each.
There certainly needs to be a major push / rethink on increasing the text in the various 'blue' windows on the SH REp screens so as to actually help people navigate this mess.
Additionally, we would have expected a proper User Guide or Forum posting to assist people rather than just the .pdf document, which can only be described as a 'newsletter'
Is it just us ?
- don't think so
Is it just new functionality ?
- not known to be resistant to change
Don't think so as all spoken to in various Chat rooms equally confused and bewildered.
The straw poll majority feedback so far is along the lines of "we've/I've tried, but until it's navigable we/I'm gonna dis-able it"
Yes the idea has a lot of merit, however you are condeming it's usefulness and benefit by a poor implementation and lack of practical support.
Sorry if this seems harsh and rather than sitting at the sides snipping, ask and we'll gladly pitch in and help you improve it