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Sick Of being examined.

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People seem to always be trawling my posts for inconsistencies in what I say.
In response - My girlfriend has changed her mind. I have changed my mind.
When I say I was a member a few years ago or one year ago - I mean it was a fair while back.
WHY do I get such treatment off people like Frecklebird ?
Quite obviously I am pretty disliked around here. I wonder who else has there posts analised by so many members.
Some people on here are so paranoid. I am not a journalist I never was and GET OVER YOURSELVES detectives I don't want to write an article about you.
Oh, and for those who think I am over reacting - then why was the thread locked so I couldnt respond.
I am sure there are lots of lovely people on here, but I almost everytime I post some Super slueth is trying to expose me !
IS THERE ANY CHANCE I WILL EVER BE TREATED LIKE A NORMAL MEMBER OR WILL MY POSTS ALWAYS BE TORN TO SHREDS - I am polite and nice generally and some members treat me like scum.
Do a search on posts about me and make up your own mind. I only want to be a normal member here - can that happen without people treating me like this ?
I'd like to suggest....
That your last 1 was prolly locked so you couldn't do this!!!
If you have a problem with what Freckledbird has said, that you take it up with her by pm NOT by opening a new post coz the other has been locked.
He has taken it up in PM. I didn't do it to be nasty, it was just that his name rung a bell. So I looked through past posts and found discrepancies.
TiS, you're not very consistent - it makes you look like a fibber. If you weren't inconsistent, people wouldn't look for also ask a lot of questions and it makes people on here a bit edgy. That has been commented on before.
Oh, and the link to your ad doesn't work.
It's nothing to do with who likes or dislikes you, don't be so paranoid yourself.
Ficklbird and other paranoids,
Ficklbird said....
It was locked so that you didn't do what you did - comment on it! The new one will no doubt also be locked. I have nothing against you but people have advised you against asking questions and you still do it. Searching and a few clicks will find all the information you need.
Am I allowed to ask NO questions ? Effectivly I cant ask any questions about anything relevant to this site.
How about I change my user name so it is more consistant. Can Admin do that for me please ? Bad choice on my part - apologies.I ask a lot of questions. I'm sorry about that. Thats why I dont want to put up an ad because people dont trust me. I thought someone could make an alternative recommendation.
How come the thread got locked SO I couldnt reply - yet Ficklbird attacked me ? Quite obviously I'm presumed guilty.
Ficklebird, my gf has gone through a lot of feelings through this whole things. She STILL does not want MMF.
You must think you are on to something to do a search and highlight stuff. I guess you think
A) I am a journalist.
B) You just like kicking me
I havnt been on this forum long enough to know what you are like - you have 6000+ plus posts - obviously this community is important to you and you want to defend it. But if you want something that doesnt compute then think about this - if I were a journalist on an undercover mission and you were trying to expose me .
I'm not a journalist - I just want a break, thats all. BTW who locked the thread and cna they give an explination as to why ?
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
That wasn't an attack, dear - they were observations. I didn't kick you, you kicked yourself.
Why on earth is it good that we're both in Yorkshire? Frankly, your attention turning to me, wouldn't make any difference - but the point is, IF you were a journalist, it might matter to other people.
My username is Freckledbird, by the way - if you're going to change it to suit, you might want to spell 'fickle' correctly, consistently - there's an 'e' on the end of it every time.
Looking at the AUP will tell you why your thread was locked.
TIS - At the risk of being shot down in flames...... I actually think having read all your posts that you have asked some highly valid questions for someone who confeses to having a weird experience.... you obviously are intersted in the lifestyle and are now asking for advise on how to share this part of yourself with your girlfirend...who appears to be slightly confused about it all.
Fanastys are just that....they can be made to happen but only if the person is ready and willing to take that step.
I too am a "newbie" but have had some sucessfull experiences not as yet through here but from other sites... However it is never easy. Swingers protect their online identity ferociously as do many other chat forum posters.... there is also in every forum a group of "core" users who sometimes can make it dificult to be welcomed with open arms.
Just my opinion.
TIS - have fun... and if you are looking for a bi-female to just meet up with down the pub for a few bevies and some laughter and banter... let me know... I am a single bi female and am more than hppy to join couples... but ONLY if they are 100% sure on both sides ;-)
Quote by takingitslow
Ficklbird and other paranoids,

I think you need to grow up a little....
You write a big post in an open forum where it should of been discussed PRIVATELY with the person in Question and then get all defensive when people have opinion's.
Oh and im not paranoid....... but there is a dark figure that keeps following me everywhere i go.... do u know wot it could be confused: .... Is some1 gonna get me :? do u think i should call the police????
Oh no.... it's just my shadow.... hope i wsn't getting all paranoid rolleyes
Quote by Lilmiss
Ficklbird and other paranoids,

I think you need to grow up a little....
You write a big post in an open forum where it should of been discussed PRIVATELY with the person in Question and then get all defensive when people have opinion's.
Oh and im not paranoid....... but there is a dark figure that keeps following me everywhere i go.... do u know wot it could be confused: .... Is some1 gonna get me :? do u think i should call the police????

No point in a private discussion if he then posts it anyway, is there rolleyes
Quote by constance
Please dont let yourself be dicouraged and put off the way your apear to be doing.
This can be a great site, but Im afraid if you are going to use the forums you are going to have to develop a thick skin than the one you have at the moment (sad but true)
These "put downs" are received not just by you but by many others, dont let them get to you.
Ive looked at your past post, (only quickly I admit) and you seem curious - nothing wrong with that. If you dont ask questions you will never find out.
As for your spelling, I for one couldnt care less.
Just keep posting , this site needs new posters who are honest and genuine

100% respect to you Constance for that and Here Here!!!
Quote by constance
Please dont let yourself be dicouraged and put off the way your apear to be doing.
This can be a great site, but Im afraid if you are going to use the forums you are going to have to develop a thick skin than the one you have at the moment (sad but true)
These "put downs" are received not just by you but by many others, dont let them get to you.
Ive looked at your past post, (only quickly I admit) and you seem curious - nothing wrong with that. If you dont ask questions you will never find out.
As for your spelling, I for one couldnt care less.
Just keep posting , this site needs new posters who are honest and genuine

Can i just ask..... Where in my post following did i "put him down"... To result him addressing his further post to Freckledbird and other paranoids????
I'd like to suggest....
That your last 1 was prolly locked so you couldn't do this!!!
If you have a problem with what Freckledbird has said, that you take it up with her by pm NOT by opening a new post coz the other has been locked.
Guys, Sorry about the Ficklebird thing, think I did that subconciously. Not very nice,Sorry.
Apologies to all. I realise now that according to the AUP there is no need to post any duplicate topics. Thats what you get for having tangled with a very logical woman who no fact passes by ! I'll watch my posts from now on. Again sorry for that - and I will try and be more consistent.
Search will become my friend !
Ridingmountains - you have pretty much hit the nail on the head. I'll send you a message.
Ahhhhhhhhh I give up, I won't look again.
Constance, you are right - this site does need genuine and honest people on it. His questions, at one time, were quite numerous in a short space of time and this makes people edgy. A look around the site yields a wealth of information; you only need to look for it.
RidingMountains, I refer you to the above comments - many people are welcomed with open arms, when they take their time to look around and find things out, rather than asking a continuous stream of questions which alarms the people who want to ferociously protect their identities.
TakingitSlow, don't PM me anymore. There's really no point if you're going to post your comments in the forum after that anyway. I can take any comments you wish to make, in the forum. Can you?
Quote by Lilmiss
Please dont let yourself be dicouraged and put off the way your apear to be doing.
This can be a great site, but Im afraid if you are going to use the forums you are going to have to develop a thick skin than the one you have at the moment (sad but true)
These "put downs" are received not just by you but by many others, dont let them get to you.
Ive looked at your past post, (only quickly I admit) and you seem curious - nothing wrong with that. If you dont ask questions you will never find out.
As for your spelling, I for one couldnt care less.
Just keep posting , this site needs new posters who are honest and genuine

Can i just ask..... Where in my post following did i "put him down"... To result him addressing his further post to Freckledbird and other paranoids????
I'd like to suggest....
That your last 1 was prolly locked so you couldn't do this!!!
If you have a problem with what Freckledbird has said, that you take it up with her by pm NOT by opening a new post coz the other has been locked.

I think that constances comment was a generalization. ... not specifically aimed at you... and was more of a "don't give up" to TIS than a who said what to whom and why.
Quote by freckledbird
RidingMountains, I refer you to the above comments - many people are welcomed with open arms, when they take their time to look around and find things out, rather than asking a continuous stream of questions which alarms the people who want to ferociously protect their identities.

Hey Freckle - and good evening. I totally agree with what you said... and i sympathise with you and other more experienced members who get frustrated with the same old questions being asked over and over agin...... Christ i do it myself sometimes on another site! And YES the search facility is a great tool.... but sometimes when a person needs some information... they need it then....and bless our little human quirks....(like many men).... we don't always read the instructions or stop and ask for directions. ;-)
Anyway... Peace and Love and all that malarky..... well if not that then how about some banter, laughter and fun?!?!?!
If I've not said it before hello and :welcome: to the forum.
I'm sorry you're feeling like this, but we all are protective of ourselves and others.
I know Frecklebird and can say hand on heart she is a fabulous person.
Bear in mind that there will always be a few unsavoury characters on sites like this - not just journalists, but men pretending to be women etc.
Now I'm not saying that you are not genuine for one minute, but when you talk to people on line you have to trust you past experience and gut instincts.
Anyone who isn't genuine isn't going to tell you that - so sometimes when they're are discrepancies in what someone says or they seem a bit "over curious" yes some of us may start to ask questions.
In this lifestyle you should take risks. If I was going to meet someone and they wanted to chat on the phone or see me on web cam to prove I was a woman should I be offended that they think I'm a liar, or respect that that's a sensible thing to do?
Try not to take it personally wink
I've only got 4000 ish posts, so I'm a good way behind freckledbird, but can be paranoid occasionally....
But . . . . . .
Here's an idea.
Let's start again.
Welcome to the asylum TiS.
Are you here for the social aspect of the site as well as the physical ?
If so . . . . . . . . .
Mine's a pint of Smith's, and she'll probably have some of that cider guff
Will you hear two pieces of advice?
1. Don't sit down with an egg in your pocket.
2. Posting content of PMs in the open forum - badidea.
Do with that, what you will.
Frecklebird - I havnt Pmed you again ? What are you talking about ? You told me to post here. I'm really sorry for any offense caused - can we let it be please ?
I need a thicker skin, Constance is right. Freckle - your obviously a smart woman who knows how everyhting works. I'm impetious and inqusitive with it. And wordy. I like wriitng. I'll watch myself in future.
Like I said from now on search is my friend - I will always put my questions to search before posting. Must take a long time to amass more than a few posts when their is such a large archive. Cant imagine ever reaching 1000.
Quote by constance
Please dont let yourself be dicouraged and put off the way your apear to be doing.
This can be a great site, but Im afraid if you are going to use the forums you are going to have to develop a thick skin than the one you have at the moment (sad but true)
These "put downs" are received not just by you but by many others, dont let them get to you.
Ive looked at your past post, (only quickly I admit) and you seem curious - nothing wrong with that. If you dont ask questions you will never find out.
As for your spelling, I for one couldnt care less.
Just keep posting , this site needs new posters who are honest and genuine

Can i just ask..... Where in my post following did i "put him down"... To result him addressing his further post to Freckledbird and other paranoids????
I'd like to suggest....
That your last 1 was prolly locked so you couldn't do this!!!
If you have a problem with what Freckledbird has said, that you take it up with her by pm NOT by opening a new post coz the other has been locked.

CAn I ask where I mentioned your name in my post?
In general, (not aimed at anyone specificaly, they should know if the cap fits)
Some people find it very difficult to post herre, especially to start new threads. I think the rest of us should encourage them , not try to pick fault with what they right. There is nothing worse than a slow moving forum, it dicsourages everyone.
Eerrrr.... no1 said u did
I was simply asking a Q rolleyes

:shock: :shock: :shock: :giggle:
Quote by takingitslow
Frecklebird - I havnt Pmed you again ? What are you talking about ? You told me to post here. I'm really sorry for any offense caused - can we let it be please ?
I need a thicker skin, Constance is right. Freckle - your obviously a smart woman who knows how everyhting works. I'm impetious and inqusitive with it. And wordy. I like wriitng. I'll watch myself in future.
Like I said from now on search is my friend - I will always put my questions to search before posting. Must take a long time to amass more than a few posts when their is such a large archive. Cant imagine ever reaching 1000.

Bravely said
:welcome: to the cookoos nest mate lol
. . . . . and she says I waffle on :shock:
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
If I've not said it before hello and :welcome: to the forum.
and . . . . . . bluuuuuuuurrrrrrb . . . . .
. . . . .me on web cam to prove I was a woman
Try not to take it personally wink

Now then . . . . . . .
about this webcam thing . . . . . . . :twisted:
Quote by Lilmiss
Oh and im not paranoid....... but there is a dark figure that keeps following me everywhere i go.... do u know wot it could be confused: .... Is some1 gonna get me :? do u think i should call the police????
Oh no.... it's just my shadow.... hope i wsn't getting all paranoid rolleyes

lol :lol: :lol: yoooooo hoooooo, cooo eeee :twisted:
Quote by Darkfire

Oh and im not paranoid....... but there is a dark figure that keeps following me everywhere i go.... do u know wot it could be confused: .... Is some1 gonna get me :? do u think i should call the police????
Oh no.... it's just my shadow.... hope i wsn't getting all paranoid rolleyes

lol :lol: :lol: yoooooo hoooooo, cooo eeee :twisted:
Quote by RidingMountains2
. . . . And YES the search facility is a great tool....

Oh c'mon - the search tool is crap ! ! ! (or is that just me being a numpty again redface
Quote by RidingMountains2
Anyway... Peace and Love and all that malarky..... well if not that then how about some banter, laughter and fun?!?!?!

Or a shag :shock:
I don't think I've come across you either RidingMountains2, so - sod the joined date thing (it don't mean JS any more) . . . . . . . . .
I've just realised how that sounds surprisedops: - I mean, I don't thing we've bounced off each other before
Welcome to the asylum.
TiS, I was referring to the PM that you then posted on forum. And yes, of course we can start again - there was no malice intended.
Dambuster - nothing wrong with that cider 'guff' confused Mine's a pint of Strongbow, please - you haven't bought me one for a longggggggg time.
HLB, thank you.
Davej, fLuck off, you know it's true lol
Drinks are on TiS then, are they? :lol:
TiS, I know S10 - my uncle lives there. Oh, and a rather gorgeous redhead off here :twisted:
Thanks for all the nice welcomes guys ! I am interested in the social side too, although I doubt I will ever be a really high poster, you can guarentee my posts will be long.
I have the same fear, men pretending to be women, etc I would hate that, and I dont really know how to tell the good from the bad.
You know what, the Asylum isnt so bad...
And mines a pint of Dry Blackthorn plz lol
Quote by dambuster
Oh c'mon - the search tool is crap ! ! ! (or is that just me being a numpty again redface

No, no, DB, of course you're not a numpty lol innocent
hang on .....hang comes I get abuse and the others get nice replies :shock: thats it I'm off to grow thicker skin,
so whats the secret girls, how do you get that super thick skin on the bottom of your feet that needs a power tool to shift bolt
TiS, :welcome: to the forums and really hope you have fun on here. I know you have said you probably wont post much, but I said that when I first joined, and now I cant keep away from the bloody place!
Personally I would pull up a chair, get very comfy and enjoy the ride wink