dont know what the sentence is but "dwarf tossing" is now illegal.....
If you want a pee whilst driving a horse drawn vehicle its legal as long as you pee against the horses leg , bit difficult if you happen to be female i should think
its illegal to deface a bank note or hole coins of the realm
in alabama its illegal to play dominos on a sunday
in hartford conneticut it is illegal to educate/train dogs !!!!! ???
in indiana monkeys are forbidden to smoke cigarettes
in clawson michigan its illegal for a farmer to sleep with his animals
( gulp ......thank heavens for that law )
the law still says that all males over 16 must practice archery after church on sundays
a fine of sixpence could be levied for default
Hate to be in disagreement on the death penalty thing, but I have it on very very good authority (from some military police I know) that Piracy is still an execution-able offence; but only at sea. The anti-execution laws passed in 1998 apparently do not apply to naval law, at sea. So if you're caught at sea by a ship of the Royal Navy, or you're on one of the numerous wee islands, and protectorates (we still have some in the Caribbean), and found guilty of piracy by the vessel's Captain, they can still technically execute you, and it's a fair punishment. Wouldn't want to be the Navy Captain that orders that one through though. Even if the loophole is sound, and they can't nick him for it, me thinks the Captain's chances of promotion would be somewhat diminished!
Well I cant be arsed to look it up , but my guess would be its at the very least against the Geneva convention to summarily execute pirates . Having said that even if it was true , it would hardly constitute a 'silly law' .
Oh I agree it's far from silly. Most people think the Navy just hold exercises, and go touring around the world on their little boats, but it's not really made public knowledge (not secret, just no *advertised*) that they do a hell of a lot of anti-drugs, anti-smuggling and anti-piracy ops. Since all 3 activities can be considered "Piracy on the High Seas" or "Piracy against Her Majesties Vessels" and numerous olde-worlde offences, the Navy could, if they so wished, be executing a fair number of people. And as for the Geneva Convention, they'd get out of that (as well as the Law of Armed Conflict) by arguing that the pirates aren't lawful combatants, thus those treaties do not apply.
No i never for a moment thought they just did exercises , they drink alot as well .
if we get all the chavs together in their shitty souped up bodykitted corsa's and catapulted them out to sea, do you think the navy would oblige by executing the feckers that learnt to swim?
Wouldnt work mate . the amount of fibreglass stuck to them deathtraps would float a battleship.