I'm siiting at my pc with my left hand bandaged up in extream pain, after accidently discharging the full load of a linear amplifier into my hand (big amplifier for making radio signals lounder)
I expect no sympathy especialy from dawn-mids who areadly calls me a nerd
but rf burns don't half hurt
I know what its like I PMSL when a freind of mine did it. This was the same week he super glued his finger to his face and tried out freeze spay on the back of his hand. Oh and I nearly forgot he put an electrolitic capcacitor in the wrong way round on a pre amp ...good big bang...all in one week!
Not an electrical burn but I ended up face down in a fire in August when a fire stunt I was doing went wrong. Got taken to nearest A&E who then put me in another ambulance and sent me about 80 miles to spend 2 nights in a specialist burns unit.
Hasn't put me off doing fire stunts though!
does that make you a bright spark ???.
but you do have my sympathy as we all do daft things, i fell off a swivel chair and i lecture on health and safety