Nice one Daz and Lou, this has to be the latest introduction we've ever seen!
Still; great to have you here! Hope you have fun!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
I NEVER did one...?
I like to be the anarchist though....
:welcome: Daz and Lou. You'll love it here (I can guarantee that!!). You will get addicted and everyone will love you - I can just tell.
There were a couple who look just like you on the site before - bit difficult to tell mind - your avatar's a bit on the small side. <<<Ducks (crispy to save Ice the bother)>>> <<<Waits for smacking>>>
:shock: eermm ......Hello from mr and mrs davej to a couple of newbieoldieregulars.......hope you stick around and join in the wont know many of us just yet just like we dont know ...not all......
hello and welcome to you both.
Thanks - everyone's been so kind so far... all we need to know now is how to get to the chatroom, and the ads!!
Have you SEEN his links????/ :shock:
Why is it my posts come up about 4 hours after i've posted them?? It makes me look like a FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd seen the links before you all posted that, lol!!!
..............and hello from me too!