Now I have read this thread (I hadnt seen it before) I have more of an idea where the other thread in the lets meet up is coming from.
The first post in the other thread obviously makes alot more sense to the folk who have read this one through than it does to someone who is attached but plays alone and just happened upon a soon to be arranged singles social and then discovered they were not the right type of single.
This thread is very informative about how many people feel that are not couples and I can empathise with alot of the feelings as I have felt that way even whilst IN a marriage (albeit not this one).
It seems that maybe a link to this thread or info on where it could be found (as I tried the link that H posted and it didnt work)instead of the eye rolling responses that were given could have saved alot of misunderstanding and ruffled feathers in my opinion.
i hope i havent started a bad feeling debate.... i was only being selfish.. on my part.. on wanting someone for me that i can swing with.... with me.. oh dear...... im sorry for anybother...xx
its just i saw the thread for miss minx on meet an i dont know if i read it wrong but i thought it was a spankin an not the good kind..
all because i wanted to meet singles but am too chicken to do anything about it.......
im the worst swinger on the planet.....!!! i keep forgetting to fuck when i meet.. and chatting when i should be blowing..! any single blokes be aware...
kisses an hugs to all..
(and thanks for reading my poems... means lots that people do....... but if i think to hard that people do i wont post.. ) seeeeeeeeeee im shit!!!!!!!!
lmao xxxxxxxxx
My dear furbs,
As another singleton, I couldn't agree with you more on this thread. It gets so tiring after a while when guys seem to not be able to hold a decent conversation with you - or WANT to hold a decent conversation with you - simply because this is a swinging site. I feel completely like you at times...I'm a swinger through and through, but I miss the 'in between' bits at times...
My only concern with a 'singles' night is that (and perhaps this is my cynical side speaking out) it will attract more of the same calibre of folk just looking for that one off shag for the nite. Maybe not a bad idea? Maybe against of grain of a repeat playmate? I dunno... Discuss. x
PS. LOVE YOU :-) (((((((((((furby))))))))))))
WHB :rose:
Bless ya Minxie -
I only just read the hoards of posts relating to this in the Meets section of the forum.
Bottom line is, as a single lady *cos I know on the Meets section, it was noted that there wasn't a big response from the ladies*, you have my full support, and I will be in attendance when and if I'm in the country at the time of the social/munch/meet/etc. I'm afraid I'm emigrating at the end of this month, so best luck with it all!!!
WHB :rose:
Hiya Furby,
You'll be surprised the number of guys out there happy to swing casually as a couple, or is that the causal F-buddy couple without the demands of being a proper couple (speaking for myself)
However everytime I suggest "fuck buddy" people think "so you can get your leg over whenever you want without comiting anything serious?" so I stay single (cant say if better than being a couple, but I know where I stand and so do others... the main downside being if I'm not playing, I'm not shagging. Lol).
As for a singles social, I thin its a good idea - start small as a trial run to see wha happens, maybe witha few people you already know (which eliminates me I'm afraid and build it up a bit onhe second go. That way you ge a good vibe for who you MAY be interested in meeting up with more than a handful of times without it beign a relatuonship.
... I dislike one-off meets: "shag and go" doesn't do it for me.. its like licking a chocolate muffin but not being allowed to bite it.
The "hump and run" scenario can apply to women with men as well as men with women, I know from experience sad to say.
Their choice, a good time at the time for all involved yes, but then wanting no further contact, not even a hello every now and then.
Not quite the way I'd wish it to be were it up to me but one has to respect the wishes of others too.
Also there were several requests to get the thread moved from LMU to the Cafe, it's not really Minxie's fault that that didn't happen, the fact that there's continued debate just means that people still wish to discuss the issue.
I think you're very brave minxie hun & I would like to be first on your list for the social. :happy:
Let's all remember that it's only a forum/chatroom.
I'm not going to bother to comment on it anymore, for that very reason.
Just remember to play fair.
Peace and Love.
WHB :rose: