Quote by Kaznkev
How many singles out there would like to join either a singles only swing site or go to a singles only night swing club event??
Quote by foxylady2209
One of the great things about swinging is its inclusiveness. I certainly wouldn't be attending an ANYTHING-only club or event.
If a person can't get a meet it won't be because they are single and there are too many couples. Loads of songels (male or female) get meets. It will be because they don't present themselves in a way that makes couples (or other singels for that matter) want to meet them.
Maybe we should be looking out for a "people who want to shag me - only" event being advertised. :giggle:
Quote by foxylady2209
One of the great things about swinging is its inclusiveness. I certainly wouldn't be attending an ANYTHING-only club or event.
Quote by Kaznkev
One of the great things about swinging is its inclusiveness. I certainly wouldn't be attending an ANYTHING-only club or event.
If a person can't get a meet it won't be because they are single and there are too many couples. Loads of songels (male or female) get meets. It will be because they don't present themselves in a way that makes couples (or other singels for that matter) want to meet them.
Maybe we should be looking out for a "people who want to shag me - only" event being advertised. :giggle:
Quote by Scottalottie
How many singles out there would like to join either a singles only swing site or go to a singles only night swing club event??
Quote by noladreams
I misread the title and thought this was a thread about the Swingle singers...
Quote by Lost
I'm not sure there's such a thing asd a single swinger
Quote by brucie
you know what nola you probably arent a swinger in the conventional sense of the word.
"2. Couples who knowingly have casual sex outside of their relationships "
"Swingers are people who are married or in a long-term relationship and who like to have sex with other couples. "
i know you have looser definitions, but i would argue that this is pretty much the accepted one. ergo as a single woman you are probably better described in some other wonderful way.
Quote by brucie
as with all these singles/swinging debates, i think the OP is missing the subtle difference between NSA and swinging.
swinger noun
.....a person who dresses in a fashionable way and who goes to a lot of parties and nightclubs, or someone who is willing to have sex often with many different people
.....swap sexual partners or engage in group sex......
Quote by easy
From the Cambridge English Dictionary:
swinger noun
.....a person who dresses in a fashionable way and who goes to a lot of parties and nightclubs, or someone who is willing to have sex often with many different people
.....swap sexual partners or engage in group sex......