Quote by James1975uk
I think it's a very good idea. I've seen that a few clubs, like Club Champagne in Surrey do a singles night. As long as there is an equal balance and no d##kheads, and mutual respect is maintained throughoutt...tell me where and when...
Quote by James1975uk
I suppose it was after watching Cold Feet! Thought it made a change from a rose clamped between the teeth, that's all! Perhaps it's not quite as romantic though?
(I always make sure I have a clean bum, Venus)
Thorns made my eyes water though!
Quote by DreamerHelen
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great......
Quote by westerross
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great......
Quote by jezzay
Thanks everyone for your responses. The overall reaction was much more positive than I expected. The ratio will (I mean would of course as it's just hypothetical) be an issue. A mixture of judgement and 'first-come-first-served' I expect.
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great......