It's a beautiful day, I'm more than a little sleepy, and I sooo can't be arsed with work!
Well, admittedly it's only a half day, and I do love my job really (even though I don't get paid!!) so I'm not going to skive, just wondered....
What's the best excuse you've come up with/ heard of to get a day off work?!
I'm hopeless at lying so hardly ever have the guts to come up with something, but when I waitressed part time and didn't care, I usually used to come up with some sort of gymnastics 'injury', which was usually half true, ie I might have got a bit of a sore back from the other nigths training, so I didn't feel so bad as using it as an excuse, but i always managed to turn it into something a bit more exciting/painfull that meant I wouldn't be able to carry a tray !!!
Do tell, or are you all too good to skive?!
maz xx
On my way with twisters in tow!
(will you phone my boss and tell him I am otherwise occupied now?!)
i think the best excuse for being off work is...
"im sorry i cant come in to work because i have a very embarrassing personal problem that i have to see the doctor about"
when they ask what it is ( if they actually do)
say, " its embarrassing and personal"
they are skating on thin ice if they push it........ you can complain to senior management.... youre entitled to your privacy...
when you decide to go back into work.... say " its ok, its sorted now"
if a woman has a man as a boss it should be very easy to do a sicki....... all you have to say is... ''Im not going to be in today as, well you know...... errrr.... its that time at the mo and im in a bit of pain if you know what i mean...... the man will get so imbarressed and say..... honestly its not a problem take as much time as you need........ We have a girl here at work and she must have a period every week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So did you skive or not?
I'm skiving today ( and will be doing so tomorrow ). Do I have a good reason? Hell no. Did I give a lame excuse? Hell yes. Right now I am sick due to eating something bad... yeah I know ....lame. However it worked ... although they have sent me some work to do at home ... :censored: