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Sleep patterns

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I read a report in the paper about sleep. It said eight hours was the ideal anything less and you will find yourself catnapping, any more and you will feel just as tired.
I very rarely get anymore than six hours sleep sometimes less, If iI did go to bed before say 10 pm I would be awake by about 2am and then be restless untill it was time to get up.
How much do you get! wink
Warming the Bed
I work nights so at the beginning of the week I get about eight hours sleep but by friday Im down to six. It also depends on the type of work I am doing whether it is mental or phisical.
During the week I really do need 8 hours but usually set the alarm for and then rush out of bed at and normally am late for everything lol
Weekends always wake up early and usually get about 6 hours. Can get away with 4 hours if its a good night :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by corrie
Weekends always wake up early and usually get about 6 hours. Can get away with 4 hours if its a good night :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Duly noted. biggrin
I try to get 9 or 10. Depending on work, can be 6-7.
I don't think the Eight Hours thing is true for everyone - it's very much a personal thing, and I'm one of those people who needs a LOT of sleep.
Also, I think the older one gets, the less sleep one needs - babies sleep 18 hours a day, after all...
Warming the Bed
I have not really calculated how much sleep I need. I go to bed when I'm tired and get up when I need to in the morning, depending on the day of the week and what is happening. I have worked lots of night shifts in my time, and do know that I can fuction reasonably well on 4 hours sleep.
But of course there are other reasons for going to bed besides sleeping wink
Quote by MrFC
How much do you get! wink

Not enough, MrFC, not enough!
I find that six hours is just about right. If Ihave much more than six hours then I feel tired all day. Like Mr FC, if I fall asleep early then I simply wake up early.

What? uh? eh? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........
About 5/6 hours is my lot; I've never been a great sleeper. The birds always wake me as I like windows open-hate them closed, even in Winter. One of my greatest pleasures , on days off, is to lie and listen to birds singing. I find it spooky in big towns, that are illuminated all night by acres of Neon, to hear birds singing in middle of night. It seems scary to me, a symbol of something we are getting awfully wrong. Similarly, I notice that you can't see the stars in towns; maybe we ought to think harder about 'light pollution'.
Warming the Bed
I lived in bradford all my life untill I moved to northern Ireland seven yrs ago. the thing I noticed in bradford was that the birds never sang the only place you heard them was in the park.
Hmmmm, if I am in a good mood then I only need about four hours....if I have something good to get up for then it's always easier..... lol
At the weekends I think I get about 8 hours....that's about right for a weekend.
Sex God
I'm sure I was a cat in a previous life, and didn't quite finish the conversion to human by the time I was born this time around.
Sex God
I tend to need 7-8 hrs, but when im up for 5 it can be 6hrs. I too have noticed that when i have gone to bed , not even an hour has gone by and I hear birds singing.
Stars, I have noticed where have they all gone? Rarely do you see them anymore. In my courting days there were thousands of them , a romantic setting it was!
Quote by MrsFC
I tend to need 7-8 hrs, but when im up for 5 it can be 6hrs. I too have noticed that when i have gone to bed , not even an hour has gone by and I hear birds singing.
Stars, I have noticed where have they all gone? Rarely do you see them anymore. In my courting days there were thousands of them , a romantic setting it was!

Mrs FC, I've just been out to cover up my 'seed potatoes', as the skies have cleared to leave a brilliant, clear night. The old moon is 2/3 full and bright as a baby's eye....lovely.
Stars are all out and shining like good'uns. Why don't you let me take you a stroll, across the fields, and show you where the badgers are all coming out to play, and the pond where all the ducks have settled for the night (sorry Carpy, three's a crowd mate). You'll see the snipe jump up in front of you and zoom off screeching, like little white ghosts, and the frogs are still singing, although nearly finished, as they clamber over each other in their own little 'Midlands Munch'. The Tawny owls are hooting and earlier, a Barn Owl (or 'Screech Owl ' round here), flapped past me as I was barrowing muck in the twighlight. Yep, Spring is here. Wonderful isn't it.......
Everyone has different sleep requirements. The younger a person is, the more sleep they tend to require. As a person ages, the less sleep they seem to need.
(No comments please from you SteveG_NW about me only needing 5 minutes sleep at my age).
Personally I have little choice, I have a Boxer bitch who seems to think that humans need to get up at the crack of dawn. Consequently this morning she was jumping all over me and licking my face at I got up, let her out into the garden for a pee. I made myself a cup of salvation, and when I returned to the living room she was lying on the three seater dog bed (most people call it a settee) snoring her head off, and didn't budge until when she woke up for breakfast.
Once I am awake, I cannot get get back to sleep, so I sit in front of the computer reading the posts. It's one way of keeping up to date I suppose. The disadvantage is, it puts up my heatings bills. lol