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Slow running lappie

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Our lappie's running so slow, we know little about puters and want to get it 'cleaned' so to speak, but because of the web istes we have been on, only swinging ones we're not to keen on going to the local computer shop and asking them to clean the hard drive for us.
Does anyone know of anyone, local to northants who cold do it for us??
It's worth asking , aint it lol
Sex God
as long as you havnt been on anything ilegal then no where will be bothered about swinging sites listed smile
No, nuffink illegal lol, just norm porn and swinging lol
Try this link - it has some steps you might like to do at home.
Sex God
Slow running lappie! Was half expecting a thread about a three legged dog or race horse :-?
clear out any pics u have on start up, n clear may help to run better..
Download and run CCleaner, be sure to get the "slim" version or uncheck the added toolbar option. I've used it for years, keeps my PC running like new.
Sex God
Quote by samson63
Download and run CCleaner, be sure to get the "slim" version or uncheck the added toolbar option. I've used it for years, keeps my PC running like new.

Also, use (made by the same company)
Both should make an improvement on your computer smile
Slow running PCs aren't always down to what you have on it. As time goes by your Windows updates will add more and more overhead to the operating system (Windows). What worked for you before might not be enough to cope with more recent updates.
Sometimes that can be resolved by adding some more system memory to your machine. have a simple gizmo that will check what memory your machine has and tell you if it can be increased. It will also give you a selection of upgrade options. Once you know what you need you can shop around for the best price, although they're usually pretty cheap anyway.