Just a small problem which I hope will be simple to remedy: normally when I save pics from the web my comp saves them in jpeg format, but for some mysterious reason something changed and it will now save them only in bitmap format. I can convert them but it takes time. Is there any way I can reset my comp back to save pics in jpeg format as before? I have looked through all possible settings menus and help displays without finding anything relevant.
No matt, not every time, but regularly...I can't understand. someone else says it's just something that can happen for a period in IE, and goes as suddenly as it comes, so I just don't know.
When u click on picture, and save as'....dialoge box appears, look at bottom of that box an you will see file type ,(under file name ) if you click on arrow to right (^) u can choose to save as jpeg or bitmap .
Hi folks,
I beleive that when you save a file you get the opportunity to save it in the format the picture is already in, or as bitmap. My guess is that the pictures that don't allow jpg or gif are bitmaps already - not ideal formats for a website!
Before saving the file, do right-click-properties and the box that comes up should tell you something about the image you want to download.
Hope this helps!
... u can also alter the file xtension after you dl it. you can change a .bmp to a .jpg or even a .pdf thru the properties menu.
If the problem is what I think it is, then the "save as" doesnt work correctly.... it only allows for bmp, or just ignores what you select and goes ahead and bmp.s it.
If you empty the temp cache (tools, internet options, temp files, delete files) then all should start working again.
Another thing is that this is some times worse when the hard drive is getting close to being full.
Im sure you've been given plenty of good advice already.
But have you considered switching from I.E to Firefox by Mozilla? Its miles better than I.E and is free from
I think the likeliest reason is that the pics you're saving are already bitmap files ... pretty rare for bitmaps to be used on webpages these days but it does happen ... not sure why you wouldn't get the option of doing a 'save as' though ...