i see this lady every so often (we are friends, but have causal sex)
i went down her recently, and here pussy is smelt (not fishy,more lik ebeo). I was unable to finish the job, i felt like pucking. how do i get around this problem?
Quote by karl74
:doh: :doh::banghead: maybe you shud hav the decency to speak to this lady about this little problem n not hav the gaul to discuss her hygeine on here with out(Presuming here) her you think if she read this she would be very happy???
cant wait fir the follow comments!!:roll: :roll:
Quote by andy2120
:doh: :doh::banghead: maybe you shud hav the decency to speak to this lady about this little problem n not hav the gaul to discuss her hygeine on here with out(Presuming here) her you think if she read this she would be very happy???
cant wait fir the follow comments!!:roll: :roll:
Quote by da69ve
Thats besides the point.....this is a very personal matter and shouldn't really be discussed with strangers.....she is the person you should have discussed it with first......
Lets hope she's not telling everyone you've got a smelly cock on another forum somewhere
Quote by andy2120
i can go to another forum if u like and i'll post it there, thats why came here ask u questions i'm unable to answer, there are way more sexually experienced than me here - i need some advice. on knicky test i only got 320 (i'm in the middles of the road)
Quote by andy2120
Thats besides the point.....this is a very personal matter and shouldn't really be discussed with strangers.....she is the person you should have discussed it with first......
Lets hope she's not telling everyone you've got a smelly cock on another forum somewhere