we smoke....
n find that if u have good sex.....n yr pussy is not smoking after... then u might be doing some thing wrong,, :twisted:
First let me state that we are smokers
Neither of us wish to stop smoking as it is something we both find pleasurable
We will have no truck whatsoever with the health police nazis who wish to curtail our freedom to do as we wish in our own home
However - we both support the smoking ban in public places ie resteraunts pubs & hotels etc because we do not believe it is right to force our lifestyle choices onto anyone else
and in that frame of mind
- we have no objection to anyone coming to our house and not smoking
- we will not insist you stand outside to not smoke
- we will not blast you with 'air-fresheners' (now there's an oxymoron) everytime you do not have a ciggie in your hand
- we will not lecture you as to the merits of smoking when you do not light up
- we will not run around waving our hands in a ridciulous fashion because you haven't blown any smoke about
- we will not cough loudly and gaspingly each time you do not take a puff
So please, because you do not smoke, do not try and take any moral high ground with us - we won't ridicule the fact you don't smoke, if you won't behave like an intolerant arse with us
We do make the effort when in the home of non-smokers to simply not smoke - it isn't a lot to ask and we are happy to oblige. But if we are in a place where smoking is allowed don't try and tell us what we can or can't do - that way lies oppression - 1984 and all that.
I myself do not smoke but Allen does heavily and I will admit I dont like the taste or smell before he gets into bed I make him clean his teeth several times and if his breath has the slightest taste of nicotine then he dont get kissed by me