I've been out for a meal with my parents tonight and sat in the no smoking area of the pub. When I walked in through the front door at home I got
"Ewwwww you stink of smoke Mummy"
"Why do people do that if its going to kill them"
That was enough to make me pleased I don't smoke
It stunts your growth dawn ;)
thats all im saying about it......................
naughty dawn....lmao
should have stayed in brum me thinks
9 Years ago I nursed my father .. watching him shrink from a normal robust man to a skeleton who was curled up in agony for the last week as he took each breath
Last week I started the process again but this time its with my brother .. he has it in his spine as well as his lungs ... as secondary cancer ...
I certainly wouldn't inflict this disease on an enemy let alone people I love and cherish.
So I am all for the ban.
I go over to Ireland quite a lot, and its not a great hardship for me as a (soon to be ex) smoker.
However talking to some non smokers in a bar one night, they said its a nightmare - you can smell every fart and belch! That and a lot of the pubs are about half as busy as they used to be.
So what is the real driver behind the ban? If it’s for health reasons or protection of workers health rights, then it has to be a full ban, but with the current proposals various establishments will be exempt from the ban. So does this mean that the government feels it must do something to follow other countries who have already implemented a ban, and give the headline that it cares about health (may stop lawsuits against them), but is afraid that by implementing a full ban they would lose too many votes and would therefore prefer to sit on the fence? (They can’t have it both ways)
For us it’s a difficult choice as Mr Sussex does not smoke while Mrs Sussex does. We agree that smoking in restaurants and food areas should be banned, but as far as other areas of pubs goes then the choice should be left up to the local pub. We would be happy with Smoking pub & non-smoking pubs so people have a choice. As far as staff are concerned in our local about 50% of the bar staff smoke including the landlady
I don't smoke - I consider it unhealthy, other people's smoke makes my clothes and hair smell, but most of all if I have a cold my eyes and throat HURT when people are smoking inthe same room as me. It causes me significant distress. Ban it - why are we arguing. Of course it should be banned.
When will the first Munch in a Non-Smoking venue be held? Would everyone who smoked not go because of this? I suspect they'd still go.
I just quit but I think if people want to smoke let em smoke and if they want to smoke in pubs so be it. People have smoked in pubs/ public for as long as most of you can remember. you may say well its not fair on people who don't smoke, This may be true but if there in a pub there probably drinking alchol and that aint good for ya health either so why the big fuss.