So Dave_Notts
As the forum topic says "How will it effect you"
I guess thats your answer...
Please can I ask you that if you want to go on about legislations blah blah...that you start a new thread about the particular rules etc..
This has all gone a bit weird :wary: Maybe we should call this one a day??
also i means to me that i will be able to go out and breathe
Wonder what Rios will be doing, as there seems to be a high percentage of smokers go there, who stay for a long period of time. Cant imagine standing out the back with a towel wrapped around you in mid winter.
kentswingers wrote:
kentswingers777 wrote:
Let me guess you are a non smoker???
I am sick and tired of people making out that smokers are the planets lepers! You and me should be given a choice, but as a smoker that choice has been taken away from should have been pubs for smokers and non smokers alike, so we ALL have a you and others do not smoke that is fine, but I and many others smoke and my right has been taken away from me, which I do not mind, but have been :
the point is that smoking is the choice, not the venue.
we should all have the right to drink or work everywhere, what right has anyone got to say this is a smoking establishment and you cant come here or work here ?
if you are going on holiday you cant smoke on the plane, everyone puts up with that ,so you can do it.
a friend of mine who is a fishmonger, liked a drink at lunchtime, was barred from town centre pubs cos he stunk. what`s the difference, what about his rights to choose? or is it all right to smell tobacco but not fish ?
any smokers want to let me know where they drink, ? will send pete round!!everytime they go out lol.
annejohn, i think you will find that the smell of fish isnt bad for your health (though it isnt a very pleasent odour!)
You cant compare the two, your freind was excluded from the pubs in his town becuase he was bad for business not because his haddock de toilette was affecting other customers health!
A publican has the right to refuse any customer for no reason whatsoever, as its private property (this is why doorman dont have to give you a reason when they wont let you in)
but, its perfectly legal to be a fishmonger.
should we be able to discriminate against poeple with smelly jobs, but not against poeple with smelly habits that have the possibilty of causing actual harm ?
whether its done nationwide or on an arbitrary pub by pub system
In my opinion it should have been made to be an opt in for no smoking, but as always in this police state we live in, they have taken the choice away because the government and powers that be believe adults cannot make decisions on their own, one more nail in democracy's coffin, If they are so concerned about smoking then why dont they ban it outright and prohibit the sale of tobacco products in their entireity ..ohh wait ..that would take away a free mans choice wouldnt it? And of course the revenue it creates which is the governments only real concern, even people who find it difficult to give up would find it easy if tobacco was banned outright and wasn't in your face at every till in every shop, but thats not the issue, they want people to smoke, they want the revenue its creates, there only concern at the moment is the old fashioned one, that being divide & conquer, as a non smoker you may be happy with this decision but whats next? Hopefully it will be to ban all tobacco products in the UK. at least that way non smokers would have to pay more towards our NHS service that we're always complaining about and the smokers who have kept it affloat for the past 20 years would find it far easier to kick the habbit and would still pay less out than they do now. Then the people who think smokers are leppers can go back to being racisists. just a thought?
Why so hostile? No where has anyone i recall said smokers are lepers. Now discrimination against smokers is NOT as serious as racism in any way shape or form. Why? Because its shortly to be made legal discrimination, in the same way as the law discriminates against those who drive at 100 mph or rob banks or abuse children. Its called looking after the interests of the greater good.
Right or wrong, agree or disagree thats the way it is. I agree, landlords should have had the choice, unfortunately as Dave_Notts has rightly said, they DID have the choice to voluntarily introduce segregated areas alongside extraction etc etc....and didnt. Now this no smoking legislation does wind me up, not because i disagree with the concept, only because i think there couldve been a compromise that suited everyone found and implemented and i feel that government has again gone for an easy win, evidence points to the fact that again they have their prorities all wrong, unfortunately i'm just going to have to live with it.