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Has anyone read the ingredients on the label of a bottle of a certain smoothies brand that says its not guilty (no advertising of brands ok)
Just happened to read my banana, pineapple and orange bottle label cause I was bored. It read:-
1 Squeezed orange with flesh
1 Mashed banana
1/2 a pineapple
1 two man tent
I thought I had misread it at first but on a second look no it definitely was there. No wonder it was a bit chewy rolleyes
I`m puzzled as to what this should have been!
I would only use that brand if it had the 2 men in it as well DD. Good protein then wink
Quote by devondelight
Has anyone read the ingredients on the label of a bottle of a certain smoothies brand that says its not guilty (no advertising of brands ok)
Just happened to read my banana, pineapple and orange bottle label cause I was bored. It read:-
1 Squeezed orange with flesh
1 Mashed banana
1/2 a pineapple
1 two man tent

Erm well...a two-man tent could be a bit of acrush.
I think every smoothie in that range has something funny in the ingredients - it goes with the lighthearted, witty image they are trying to portay!
BTW my fave is strawberries and bananas.
Quote by Aalisha
I think every smoothie in that range has something funny in the ingredients - it goes with the lighthearted, witty image they are trying to portay!
BTW my fave is strawberries and bananas.

Your right.....
Same as the quote: Keep it in the fridge or we will come round and get you!
Its a giggle thats all....
Mike xx
I think you should write to them demanding a refund!!!
Tell them you only bought it because it said a two man tent was included :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
they have great customer service, if you DID write asking where your tent was, they wopuld prob send you a free one! lol :lol: :lol:
yes yes I know, completely off topic, but as the title is smoothies ..........
I am in the process of changing my lifestyle, more healthy eating, giving up fags, more excercise etc etc.
Anyway, bought myself an early birthday pressie last Friday, a smoothie maker and I have to say, I just love it.
Apart from going through ten ton of fruit over the weekend, I am also running out of ideas and may have to start at the beginning of the recipe book again.
So, if anyone has any suggestions for a scrummy smoothie, please let me know!!!!!
Best one for me so far, pineapple, natural yoghurt, pear and plums, twas yummy - although maybe I should add marmite in the next one ......................
Reminds me of an occasion in the supermarket buying Balsamic Vinegar. Lo and behold, on the display carton it said "Ideal for Cocking purposes" :shock:
No, it wasn't me who drew little arrows all over the box to draw attention to it. innocent
It was still there months later!
and there was I thinking this a thread offering the latest tips for intimate shaving
Quote by LondonPlaything
and there was I thinking this a thread offering the latest tips for intimate shaving

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by devondelight
Has anyone read the ingredients on the label of a bottle of a certain smoothies brand that says its not guilty (no advertising of brands ok)
Just happened to read my banana, pineapple and orange bottle label cause I was bored. It read:-
1 Squeezed orange with flesh
1 Mashed banana
1/2 a pineapple
1 two man tent
I thought I had misread it at first but on a second look no it definitely was there. No wonder it was a bit chewy rolleyes

Could you use the poles as a straw? ... i know i know it was a poor joke. i'll get better in time!
Quote by winchwench
Reminds me of an occasion in the supermarket buying Balsamic Vinegar. Lo and behold, on the display carton it said "Ideal for Cocking purposes" :shock:
No, it wasn't me who drew little arrows all over the box to draw attention to it. innocent
It was still there months later!

We once bought froma dorrstep catalouge a ten pin bowling game. In the instuctions it said
"Avoid putting the mans little balls into mouth to avoid chaffing"
I've been looking for somewhere to post this for a week or two now.
If anyone would like a bit of 'Dawn' then here ya go, help yourself :giggle:
Quote by devondelight
Has anyone read the ingredients on the label of a bottle of a certain smoothies brand that says its not guilty (no advertising of brands ok)
Just happened to read my banana, pineapple and orange bottle label cause I was bored. It read:-
1 Squeezed orange with flesh
1 Mashed banana
1/2 a pineapple
1 two man tent

DD, are you sure it wasn't on a bottle of Camp Coffee?
What about adding a bit of extra flavour? A few pieces of crystalised ginger in yogurt and pear. Or a little bit of ground cloves in orange and banana.
Personally my favourite would be the fruit of the Mars bar tree and the pulp from the vanilla icecream root. Topped off with a squirt of firmly beaten cow's juice. :twisted: All healthy stuff of course.
Big fan of these and, although not hard to of worked out, it is Innocent smoothies.
There are loads of little comments on the packs and they actually every so often in meetings get a new batch from people.
The company was started by 3 guys who all lived together at uni. 1 of the lads dad was a fruit n veg seller and he kept giving them loads of the stuff and they just started experimenting. They then sold then locally and the rest is history shall we say.
I don't work for them btw, but no someone who does.
Chris x
PS Maybe whoever thought it is 1 of us and it is a reference to the camping trips planned lol