I heard that on the radio too. The warning was about young people and french kissing with a number of partners, increasing the risk of spreading meningitis.
But I've also heard in the past that kissing improves your health, so I suppose it depends which effect you think is greater.
As you say, one of the advantages of being a bit older! That's one pleasure I would hate to give up.
hey, thats terrible...
and i dont normally make jokes out of serious things... yeah right!!!!
i remember when i was 13 or so................. we used to hang around in a big group ... all snogging like crazy....
spin the bottle... postmans knock...... and then we all went down with glandular fever....
now its meningitis!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats inflation for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Tweeky rations snogging for when she's realy horny so to me its a bit of a luxury. Wouldent like to get meningthingymejig (guess who cant spell) from a luxury even though I am 31. We should allow it ofr adults but ban it for teenagers in fact we should bring in a new kind of mouth sized chastity belt :gagged: mIght keep them quiet as an added bonus.
Mr Tweeky
I had, and I apologise in advance for the spelling, meningococcal scepticimia, as a lad, when it was said I was allergic to getting mumps (which is meningitis, as we now know it) and my legs were nearly amputated.
These days they have yer legs off, quicker than saying "knife", if you get mening. scept. So I guess I'm lucky.
However, I think it has a lot to do with my having MS. Maybe the severe attack on my immune system?
Eh, Whaddo I know.
Ushering in the tongues for maidenfair
Mrs and mrs tongue and 3 children
There you go - tongues to the right
Hi All
It is very difficult to avoid catching the Glandular fever virus (Epstein-Barr Virus)
and you cannot vaccinate against it, but meningitis vaccines are being developed - slowly- for the different types of the bacillus.
The best advice to give to the youngsters who are at greatest risk is to keep themselves well fed and rested so their immune system has a chance to resist an invasion, and to clean their teeth every so often. Too much drunkenness and throwing daily routine out of the window is giving the bugs every chance!
For my self, try to stop me snogging the delicious longhaired guys I have met on this site!
(and I can spell)
Thanks Jane x x