Ok who's gona be getting the big warm knickers out and on tonight? No snow in Chesterfield yet! What about where you live?
Bristol...... fucking no hope :lol2:
Edinburgh... not yet but give it time!
Not even all that cold yet. Not too much wind either.
If we get snow I hope we get a decent amount - enough to play with - not just enough to make the road sdangerous and dirty.
Had a flurry or two.
fair bit down the road up the hills.
Milton Keynes~~ no snow.
PK can we have a vid please to see how you do an anti snow dance please?
loughborough leicestershire
no snow but very cold here
Just checked outside and nothing.
Am hoping to go to the Bike show in Brum on monday so hope the weather doesn't make things awkward.
well we got it, so far half an inch, clear sky, bonny on if it freezes, cant wait to go sledging, snow brings out the bairn in me, chester le street.
It was snowing heavilly at around 6 this evening in Newcastle. There is a slight covering on the ground now and more is forecast overnight. :sad:
Teesside , loads of snow this morning
Beautiful sunnny day here in the Midlands.......forecast is for snow tomorrow for us I think.
Its flippin cold but no snow in Herefordshire
Vale of York
Plenty of it this morning, with intermittant flurries. Stopped now and the day has brightened up.
Update: Main arterial route to the A19 closed, but no suprise there as it negotiates two steep banks that are best descibed as two ajoining sky jumps.