under the boobs under the arm pits and a real man ??????????????????????????? deff knows the difference dawn xx
mans perogative
steve xx
what woman needs to be told " I know your boobs are false " have been caught out though as some boob jobs are so good now xxxxxxxxxx
still love em false or real ......the old cliche ..if i had a pair i would never go out would be playing with them all day ( how sad is that )
awaiting the fall out from that comment :shock:
steve xx ( in hiding)
You're a bit strange really! :giggle:
Travlinman, I've worked out (finally!) why you confuse people so much. I don't think many people read the subject title when you reply to a thread, and you're starting your reply in there. It's probably much easier to make yourself understood if you just leave the subject blank and reply in the reply box ;)
you need no enhancement or reduction your look gr8 to me ........may they long be pert round and on show xxxxxxxxxx
steve xx
iv had the pleasure of fondling false breasts on a cpl of occasions, the first personally was a total turn off for me they where just hard and didn't move and i refused to meet girls if they had false breasts for a long time after that, it was at a club where i next had the pleasure of false boobs and i never even realised until after we had played and we where sat talking, i was shocked :shock: as a woman i always thought i would be able to spot false boobs a mile off...i was very wrong on that score.
I like boobs that fit the woman. Big one look good on some women, on other they just dominate.
As long as they do not look borrowed I like boobs, big, small they all look good on the right woman.