Ach well Ill get somebodyt to do it for me and they can stuff thir guarantee I know enough about software to get my by and I know a few people who can fix any hardware problems so they can stuff their bios up their shiny silicone arses!
In Regrads to customer service I work for a certain company on the Internet. i won't say its name because I am still employed with them and i dont want to lose my job just yet.
Anyway, to be honest with you our customer service is completly SHIT. We have an incompetent customer service manger as well as a complete lack of comunication.
Our "service" staff are unable to speak - read - write - comuncate full bloddy stop. The service staff put the blame on to other departmnets.
And guess what Senior Managment think that its not customer service is fault. They belive that it is another depatment that is to blame for all the customer service calls.
And no its not NTL but is sounds like them
Ordered 5 pcs for office in September, fantastic delivery and good machines.
Ordered a particually high spec machine for home mid November, guess what, no fucking machine . Still its only three weeks late and according to on line trackingdue for delivery on the 20th. Not confident because the tracking says it left coventry before the ship left Limerick in Ireland.
Interstingly the good service was for a business account the shit delivery is for a home machine.
Jackie and Ben
Oooooohhh - don't start me on PC world!!!!!!
No - I shan't even go there. I have been fighting with them ever since I bought a PC there. Custoemr services???? HO ho ho. My favourite line from them "so what do you expect us to do about it?" - said in a very nasty way!!
I have spent twice as much as the PC cost in replacing all the bits in-side myself!
The best thing is - they are one of MY customers at work - and if I dealt with them in the same way they have dealt with me - we would've lost the account ages ago!! But when you are just a memer of the public you have no leg to stand on. I no longer shop at PC World or Dixons (Dixons own PC World).
On the other hand - my Dell PC was one of the best I ever had. BUT they are notoriously difficult to upgrade.
Have to admit - I'm building my own next time!
Sod buying one from these over-priced bull shit retailers for a lark.
Let me build one for ya..... hell of a lot cheaper including postage and packing, just let me know what specifcations you want on it.
Genuine offer !!!!!!