what would you choose tickets were free for both concerts what would you choose ...........personally west life ............
steve xx
I would sell them and get drunk on the proceeds :giggle:
neither ... both awful !!!
ok how about ken dodd ....... and david esex ?
steve xx
neither on both accounts
xx fem xx
Lucy you cant beat a good man down you should know that ....how are you anyway hon xx
steve xx
ok try again .......jools holland / ruby turner....to queen .........take u r pick ........
steve xx
and folks i have seen both ..........and these imaginary tickets are free ??????????
steve xx
steve are u asking one of us out on a date by any chance?? :giggle: :giggle:
Ticket for a night with Robbie Williams or a night with someone from admin :grin:
would i get banned if i said Robbie :scared:
Chuck D of Public Enemy once said that you should play you're music in front of a girl ; if she likes it - the music is no good !
Why is it that the only music the average girl likes seems to be limited to Abba, Barbera Streisand and Celine Dion ?
There - that should get 'em going !
Antony the cynical anarchist punk bastard !